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Posts posted by aviator99

  1. Unloading troops from vehicles is totally broken IMHO and it ruins the game. :mad: The only reliable way of doing it is to waste a minute (and loose the battle :( )sometimes you can have an AFV with 2 teams on board and one jumps off while the vehicle is moving to its destination the other team sits there, the vehicle is yards from its destination so you say OK I'll kill the movement, pause it for say 20 sec, (while they unload) and then reverse it out of there. Result, vehicle reverses away with team still on board! :eek:

    Unloading troops is just so far away from anything approaching reality or viability that

    the only way to play the game is to forget loading and unloading troops. If anyone can reliably, efficiently, and successfully use troop carriers as troop carriers let me know how. PLEASE! :confused:


  2. Ok still trying to get my head round this.

    A squadron of tanks moving across open ground, bang immobilised, blue flag mines, next tank seeing his mate blow up decides to keep going, and so does the third one so in the space of a minute you see a squadron of tanks immobilise themselves one after the other.

    Now I'm gradually getting used to the lack of micromanagement but I'm obviously at a loss to find the alternative command to the 'slowly move forward and ignoring all else kill yourselves' so what am I missing??


  3. And another thing:

    Is there no way of linking commands at all?? I have some guys in an m/g bren carrier just behind the hill and I want them to just go to the top and lay down supressing fire on the foxole 300mtrs in front. But what happens, they get to the top start taking incomming and just sit there until they want to run away in a panic.

    I have managed to win the tutorial once but by pure good luck I suspect. In general I fail because of all sorts of problems but mostly just because a minute is too long, I want to be able to say do this, then that , then that, if I could do that then fine but as it is I am running out of turns because it takes me 10 minutes to command guys to do what they are capable of doing in two, what am I missing?


  4. :confused: OK I get the point but...

    I'm the HQ guy and my Jeep is just over there aout 10 yards away. I want to get in it and drive over yonder so I can command the guys on the left flank. Why does it take two minutes? 1 to embark, and next minute to drive over there and disembark, why can't I just get in my vehicle and drive over there in one minute?

  5. Thanks, some of it is getting clearer. :confused:


    How do I tell a squad to move (in their vehicle) and then when they get somewhere to get out and assault it?

    Right at the moment I can get my guys up to a point but they then get slaughtered for half a minute because I cannot make them do anything more constructive. when time's up I can get the few survivors out and make them attempt an assault but they are by then nearing a rout anyway, and guessing how long to pause before setting off is just so clutzy there has to be something I am missing.......


  6. Hi All,

    What am I doing wrong? I'm only playing the tutorial and I have a brit soldier right in front of an Italian and my guy just hugs the dirt. How do i say "He's 2 inches in front of you, go kill!!" Because the next thing that happens is that this crumby Italian gets up and my guy surenders!!! I got 2 of my guys assaulting a foxhole and the MG is still firing yet my guys are inside it with him, Just what is going on?

    :( Avaitor

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