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Posts posted by Aesir

  1. There is absolutely no way that I will play... mostly because I don't know what I'm doing, and my active participation would be disappointing to myself and others.

    However, I would be keenly interested in entering in as an observer. Mostly for curiosity's sake, and partly because I want to see this game in action outside of the single-player environment.

    Will this CPX thing allow for observers to connect in (if there are enough connection slots available)?

  2. Greetings:

    I've downloaded and played the demo for much of the past two days, and submitted my order for this game today. I suppose that's one way to say 'thank you' to those involved in maintaining this product and making it available to me. smile.gif

    I've two (related) feature requests regarding user interface:

    1) The Information Line - I'd like to see that part of the interface moveable/sizeable. Ideally, as a "Detachable" and "Dockable" (to the main map) window. I'd like this window to have scrollbars such that information displayed there can be reviewed.

    2) Also relating to The Information Line - I'd like to have the option of outputting the data displayed in that line to a log file.

    Of the two requests, request #1 is more convenient and functional (and thus, more valuable to me) for what I am trying to accomplish.

    Thank you.

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