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Posts posted by WimpBastard

  1. But that would suggest the leader was shot down in air combat. Does that imply that soviet pilots, once their leader was shot down flew in a straight line and allowed german fighters to gun them down?

    But lets say the leader was shot down, and the remaining soviets managed to fight off the germans, wouldn't they figure out it'd be a good idea to head back to base? I guess you could get into a situation where the pilots might mistake another member of the squadron to be the leader and follow them god knows where but i hardly think this is something that happened very often.

  2. Originally posted by Stalin's Organist:

    Lemming like behaviour of Russian forces is attested - poorley trained fighter pilots lacking Radios in 1941 would sometimes continue to fly straight if their leader was shot down because they didnt' know what else to do/had no orders (Osprey "LaGG fighters in Action")

    I'm finding this pretty hard to believe. I'm no pilot but flying in a straight line in air combat would be suicide. Also if the planes have no radios how would that affect the other pilots when the leader is shot down? I can certainly see how lacking radios would not allow pilots to work together and co-ordinate themselves but if the planes have no radios and the leader is shot down why would that turn soviet pilots into target drones?
  3. Originally posted by Abbott:

    I find this topic to be a bit "out there" myself. While I agree that there are some German fan boys out there, never once have they effected my enjoyment of the Combat Mission series of games. They are easily sidestepped. I have found the people associated with Combat Mission more informative then prejudice. While some may have a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation I find it easily set aside and replaced with my own thoughts on the matter at hand.

    In my opinion the German military was more advanced then its opponents for a time. The Germans also built some interesting equipment that I find enjoyable to game with. I also find some Russian and American equipment of interest. Personally I enjoy the fun of Wargaming without any thought wasted on the politics of the era.

    I've found Nazi (Or at least German) fanboys have pretty much ruined my enjoyment of WW2 wargaming in general. Hell most any discussion about WW2 tends to be ruined for me as soon as people start raving on about how Germany was light years ahead of everyone and their legions of uberpanzers would have rolled over everyone had Hitler ordered them to lose or some silly crap like that. I recognise the Germans built some pretty out there stuff, but the fanboyism really annoys the hell out of me.

    Also my only realy human opponent for a long while in CM was a Nazi (Or at least German) fanboy. Not so much a problem at first since i'm not a fan of playing as the germans, but every single battle i fought was a battle against a King Tiger, Panther, Tiger or some combination of the three, usually accompanied by an elite SS platoon and perhaps an MG42 or two. Against my usual force of a rifle company + supporting medium tanks. I can't say my force selection was always historically accurate or anything, but honestly after facing uber tank after uber tank where my own Shermans/T-34s felt useless i just kinda got bored of CM. Ironicly of course i won most of the battles, in CMBO i would always eventually ambush his ubertank with bazooka teams, and in CMBB with 57mm AT guns (Thanks to JasonC's advice) But it was incredibly repeitative. Worse still, anyone he introduced to the game would inevitably listen to his advice (Or my whining about invulnerable front armour) and take the same uber armour.

    So I stopped playing. I still find CM to be the best game out there in terms of wargaming on the PC, but honestly I'm really bloody sick of worrying whether my gunners will hit the bloody thing, or whether my gunners will be lucky enough to receive tungsten ammo.

  4. I'm rather fond of WH40k models myself.

    Check out the new uber expensive models from Forgeworld (Anyone who makes an army out of these guys is rich)


    Elysian drop trooper with magnetic mine


    Missile Launcher

    More pics here

    Course they aren't wearing pressurised suits but they still look great IMO. (It wouldn't be too hard to make them look like theyre wearing pressurised suits though, bulkier helmet and oversized backpack would do it.)

  5. Will DropTeam support vehicles sporting several guns/turrets etc?

    If infantry are added an MG or two would be neat, and we can have some neato but silly multi-turreted mega tanks :eek:

  6. 1. Definitely, artillery is very important to me.

    2. On the attack i usually buy some big guns 152mm (i play russians) and 122mm stuff as well as a cheap 82mm spotter or two. At the beginning of the game i pre-plan the big guns to land on suspected enemy positions (usually around the flags or ideal defense locations). The mortar FOs then move up with the infantry to offer some arty that can be called in quick for the changing situations. Most important here is the timing, i usually pre-plan the shells to finish falling just as my men and tanks attack.

    On defense i place down a couple of Target Reference points in areas the enemy is likely to pass through. Usually i have more mortar FOs on defense as they're cheaper, have more ammunition and can call in strikes faster. They tend to lack punch but i tend to take more on-map guns to compensate.

    3. see #2

    4. Pretty much all my games.

    5. Pretty much infantry all the time.

    6. Depends on situation.

    I think the problem you're having is timing, dropping some 150mm rounds on some guys hiding in woods is effective but you have to have your men attack as soon as the barrage is over, Veteran and better troops tend to recover quickly (in my experience) so you have to have your men go in as soon as possible to take advantage of the confusion.

  7. http://www.96th-infantry-division.com/decorations/moh.htm

    He displayed conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty. When a powerfully conducted predawn Japanese counterattack struck his unit's flank, he ordered his men to take cover in an old tomb, and then, armed only with a carbine, faced the onslaught alone. After emptying 1 magazine at pointblank range into the screaming attackers, he seized an enemy mortar dud and threw it back among the charging Japs, killing several as it burst. Securing a box of mortar shells, he extracted the safety pins, banged the bases upon a rock to arm them and proceeded alternately to hurl shells and fire his piece among the fanatical foe, finally forcing them to withdraw. Despite the protests of his comrades, and bleeding profusely from a severe shrapnel wound, he made his way to his company commander to report the action. T/Sgt. Anderson's intrepid conduct in the face of overwhelming odds accounted for 25 enemy killed and several machineguns and knee mortars destroyed, thus single-handedly removing a serious threat to the company's flank.
    I also found http://www.worldwar1.com/dbc/smortar.htm quite interesting

    There were some instances reported of Doughboys using mortar shells by removing the safety pin and then throwing them in the manner of large hand grenades. Due to the power of the 3" mortar shell as compared to a hand grenade, this practice, while effective at times, was fraught with danger.
    I'd guess the fact that the mortar is being armed on a rock would mean the propellant would "harmlessly" discharge outwards in all directions rather than forcing a mortar round out a tube.
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