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Posts posted by narishma

  1. Whoa, got what I needed even if it was somewhat disappointing.

    *turns around and orders the panzer platoon to get lost*

    From your answers and my service experience I also gather that recce duty hasnt evolved much since WWII. (at least not in Sweden..)

    So I guess we all hit paydirt.

    Again, thanks..

    *Grumbles something incomprehensible about KV-1s and 37mm PAKs*

  2. Lo all

    Got a question concerning panzers for you all.

    Back in the Stone Age I used to play Steel Panthers III. There a Pz Recon Company had either 4 PzIVC-F's or 4 PzIIIn's attached.

    Now I am working my way thru a campaign (RobO) using a Brigade Aufklärungs Company with 4 PzIV's attached.

    1) Did these companies have tanks attached?

    2) If so, which tank models would be available and within what timeframe for the different models/versions?

    Thank you for your time

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