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Nefarious Edge

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Posts posted by Nefarious Edge

  1. Originally posted by Ted:

    Steve said CMSF sold more so far than CMBO did when it first came out.

    This tidbit means absolutely nothing. CMBO was new. CMSF sold on the backs of CMBO CMAK and CMBB. HALO 3, for example could have sucked hard and would it still have sold well? Of course. People expected it to be good because they liked the other 2.
  2. I just can't enjoy this game while the AI can see anything hidden. They just need to mod it into a naval game then all will be well. Seriously though, fix this and the game will be much better. I know you said you are looking at fixing it, but I implore you to hurry lest you will find many of your loyal consumers have gone elsewhere.

  3. Moon, I understand you are the Tony Snow of Battlefront. I also understand that many people have an issue with LOS. Without cover it almost feels like a Naval engagement. I am satisfied though that it is a priority with the dev team and will sign off on this issue.

  4. I have to say Moon, you are seriously downplaying the number of complaints on this forum. I too, believe this game to be seriously flawed and have been reading many of the posts on here. Instead of "having it out" with the nay sayers I think it would be best if you took the LOS issue back to your people and make it front burner material. This will likely give you the biggest bang for your buck.

    Can many of the people who dislike this game step up here and agree that this is the first big step?

  5. Ok, I've been reading these posts and have been rather quiet this whole time. I will now weigh in. First off, I LOVE CM. I didn't expect a new CM from this game, however, I did expect realism. COH is already out there for those who want "fun".

    My first fears crept up when BF announced a "preorder" deal. I work for marketing in DaimlerChrysler, and I must admit, its a bit of red flag. If the demo had been released earlier, then yes, no problems here. Alas, this was not the case. Demo delayed. Oh oh. I am surprised our units in this game cannot take cover because BF seems to be a master of it.

    Quick question. Has anyone purchased Neverwinter Nights 2? I bought it shortly after release and the same thing is going on over there as here. Albeit on a much larger scale.When you have a reputation for quality, and then release an inferior product, there will be backlash. Some don't agree, I respect that. But I think, most on the whole, have found this product to be poor.

    If you didn't like the product, by all means, get on here and bitch. We may yet make something out of the game. But don't cry about money wasted. I preordered despite my misgivings based on their sound rep. and lost. I won't make this mistake again.

    I have noticed, as I did with NWN2 forums, a LARGE number of people who blindly get behind a product they wanted to badly like. You kind of have to sift through these guys and remember to stay on topic. Ghost1 did sound like a crazed madman, although many of his points were valid. BillyBob and a few others I can't recall have done a good job of trying to hold this company accountable for the products they put out. Kudos.

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