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Posts posted by Coaxial_Puppet

  1. Myself being on the younger part of the age spectrum here. I can easily say that myself and any friends that have played any combat mission game are not looking to much forward to a modern day game.

    It's not really my cup of tea. I do hope it gets released and they get me hooked on it until they can get another world war 2 release out.

    But world war 2 is where it is at for me.

    Grandfather's time? Yes

    but grandfather was a hero.

    The war he fought used tactics to its finest.

    man vs. man with machinery added.

    The slow death of this board is saddening. Although i mostly lurk around.

    Ive been doing so since the alpha battles of CMBO.

    Any one who was there remembers all the excitement.

    This board was a jive.

    The famous Alpha battle had me wanting more when i didnt think i could possibly want any more.

    thats whats missing right now.

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