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Posts posted by Trigger

  1. Perhaps this has been discussed before, but I searched the forum and found no references. I am curious as to why the Italian military isn't represented at all after september of 1943. There were considerable Italian forces mobilized on boths sides of the conflict at the later stages of the war, as well as a substantial number of partisans.

    Would there be any chance of ever seeing these units added into CMAK?

  2. Here is a website with some good info on Italian paratroopers, including Nembo - http://members.tripod.com/~nembo/nembopage.html

    Interestingly, the 185th Para Regiment, which was attached to the Germans in Sicily during the Armistice, joined the Germans to continue fighting the Allies, they were respected by the Germans for their tenatious fighting on the Anzio front. The 183rd and 184th Regiments stationed on Sardinia, however, chose to join the Allies, and later fought against the Germans, liberating several cities in the process.

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