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Posts posted by Manwithnoname

  1. Thanks. Next time I'll target the Tiger or whatever. Better still I think I'll just give up on ambush markers altogether.

    I would swap to CMAK but my friend/opponent can't get it to run properly on his machine. Besides we both like NW Europe theatre of operations. Perhaps an up-dated version of CMBO would be the answer!

    Anyway, thanks again.

  2. I trusted the Firefly to do the sensible thing. It couldn't 'see' the Tiger at the start of the move so I didn't target the Tiger. Should I have targetted it?

    (It turned out alright in the end. Fortunately the Firefly's turret turned quicker than the Tiger's and one shot was enough to KO. But it could have been very embarrassing!)

  3. OK recently in a PBEM game I was taking a hammering from 2 Tigers. I had a Firefly on HIDE on ambush. I waited and waited but they weren't coming his way. Then I saw my opportunity away from the ambush marker. A Tiger had turned its back armour on me.

    Drove fast. HUNT. a 90% chance to hit. Kill: Good.

    BUT!!! when I got there my 17 pdr gun was still pointing at the ambush marker - 180 degrees in the wrong direction!!!

    Laugh. I could have cried!

    What should I have done?

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