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Posts posted by ibscas

  1. This is really great info, thank you for your input! This will make my game playing much more enjoyable now that I can use my units the way they were designed to be used.

    I do currently use my HQ to spot for mortars that are hidden somewhere within command, it's too bad the chain of command cannot be linked so that say the front line HQ can relay positions to a backline HQ who then gives the motars the ability to fire, as it would be in a real infantry unit.

    In regards to using MG's, you mention that once the front line has cleared an area that you move your MG team in there, what I have found is that although I may be able to clear a particular area, there are still plenty of enemies on a hill somewhere and once my front line moves past their current 'cleared area' so my MG's can move in, the enemy can still spot the MG's and then pin them in the wide open on their way to new positions

    I have repeatedly tried to put my zooks in with my line troops, but behind them and still within sight of the HQ, but when things get dicey on the front lines they tuck tail and run, is there a good method to keep them protected? My only option, until reading all this great insight, has been to stick them with their own HQ a decent piece behind the front line and bring them up if tanks are bearing down on the line. Of course the down side is that by the time they get there the tanks have already taken out or broken part of my line.

    From reading what you all have written, it would seem that your setup phase must take hours. I know for me that I can easily spend 45 minutes to an hour sorting through my troops and getting them into position and it appears as though I'm not nearly as dilligent as you all are in doing that.

  2. Wow, this is fantatic information, thank you very much. Now that you mention it I have noticed that my squads will draw a red line to another HQ sometimes even when they are 'commanded' by their specific Platoon HQ, this now makes more sense. I had assumed that perhaps the Company and Batallion HQ were for rally points for broken troops but had never really used them for that before because I kept those two HQ so far behind the line.

    Is there a moral hit if a Company or Batallion HQ get's shot up rather than a Platoon HQ? I have some Platoon HQ that have a + bonus on all four qualities, I use these guys as 'special forces' so to speak because their Platoon HQ leader is so amazing, but to put more than just the default three or four squads behind a Company HQ or Batallion HQ is a very good idea, I will definately have to try to use them this way.

    Do you normally put your spotters close to the front lines or the rear? I've had some problem because if they are on the front line they get picked off as soon as the enemy sees them, and in the rear they are often too far away to be effective against anything other than the pre-plotted area targets. I have been tending to keep morters, bazookas and spotters in a very protected area since they break really fast under fire - and only bringing them forward when the need comes up.

    What do you normally do with your MG's? I have started putting them together in a platoon because they seem to hold up the rifle platoons much of the time and I try very hard to keep everyone in communication - so often the rifle platoon has to wait for the MG to catch up. Is this an effective use of the unit since they have a much longer range than anyone else?

  3. CMAK is a great game, but I'm very confused on how the chain of command is supposed to operate in the game. Platoon HQ are very easy because they have troops that are 'married' to them - although some don't and I generally put most of my bazookas and MG's with those guys.

    There are, however, some confusing things. Like what is a Headquarters Platoon? Are they supposed to stick with the Company HQ? And what do you do with the Company HQ, they seem to have no purpose whatsoever, so I stick my spotters with them and my 'leftover' troops like if I have a few extra MG's or whatever.

    So, once you figure out how to use Company HQ, what in the heck do you do with Batallion HQ? I suppose I'm looking for help on the best use of the chain of command and formations.

    Up to now I've kept my Platoon HQ's in the front lines with the troops and in communication with everyone, my Company HQ's behind them with spotters and morters (which usually doesn't do much good) and my Batallion HQ behind the Company HQ's and I really have no practical use for them.

    Anyone have suggestions for the best use of the chain of command? What do you do with the 'Headquarters Squads/Platoon'? What about Section HQ, do they serve a special purpose as there are generally no rifle companys associated with them. And what about the engineer squads, they seem to be the basic same as a rifle company but with some extra weapons - what's their best use? I have seen on this forum where people say they use the engineer squads to clear mine fields, how do you do this?

    I've read the manual and cannot find much about any of these topics, and I've searched the net and nothing there either except general chain of command and formation info for the ACTUAL armed forces (which I already know having been in the Army).

    I'm sure if I could properly use the tools provided in the game I would be much better at it, right now I use the best tactics I can and get the job done but I know I'm not doing it right. This game requires so much micro-management that if I'm going to do that I might as well do it right.


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