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Posts posted by ckct

  1. Anti Tank rifles are great but short range and lightly armour tanks and vehicles. But don't count on them to be your sole main method of taking out tanks.

    The best thing about them is they are very hard to spot. Whenever I have soft skin vehicles and know there is an Anti Tank rifle team somewhere in the map, i freak out. They can remain hidden for a long time. I only see them effective from 100 m and under.

  2. I have been practicing my tank battles against the computer.

    The time is August 1943. The map is village or rural, medium-sized, modest hill and modest tree coverage.

    Each side is given 1000 pts.

    Scenario is 20 turn plus, meeting engagement (Doesn't really matter, I focus on tanks).

    Being on the axis side, i pick a platoon of IIIL (vet) and two Stum IIIGs (Crack).

    For the allies, i pick a mix of tanks. Always mixing a platoon of T-34s with a few heavy tanks (KV-1s or SU-122s).

    The first time I played it, I got slaughter. After playing 3-4 times, I can take out the computer with only losing one IIIL. The style i play is very defensively as there is no way for me to tell the tank to reverse the instant they see another tank. I tried shoot n scoot but often it comes down to waiting for the comp to make the first move.

    Would you guys give a suggestion on how to create a setup such that it is fair and challenging. I think I should set as axis attack so I will be force to fight on the offense.

    It is very terrifying to see shells bouncing off a KV-1 when you are only 50 m and under. This is not even a frontal shot but a side shot.

  3. Hi guys,

    I need some little clarification. My friend and I setup hotseat game. Since both of us are busy, we decided to convert it to an email game. He made his turn and sent it to me. Last night I made my turn, it did the calculations and instead of showing the action, it dumped into an email file and ask me to send it out.

    My friend got the file, and able to see the action then it dumps the game to an email file again.

    Since I am at work, I can't access the file. My question is how does PBEM works?

    Is it:

    a) you make turn, send PBEM

    B) I make turn, send PBEM

    c) you see, send PBEM

    d) I see, send PBEM??


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