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Posts posted by Rufus1268

  1. Question for fellow Mac user's

    I've been having problems uploading some new scenarios in CMBB. I've installed all the patchs, so it's now 1.03, and have moved the scenario folders into the scenarios directory. The new files however arn't recognised as a CME however, and when I try and load them, CMBB dousn't recognise they are scenarios?

    Is this just a dodgy upload, or is there something wrong?

  2. It seems to me that this relates to the lack of unit's ability to fire when boarded on vehicles... although I can appreciate why it might be a smidgen difficult for a non-radio FO to lay comms behind a moving vehicle... I have found it frustrating that boarded units can't target anything at all... It seems a little unrealistic that troops in a half track or on the back of a tank can't shoot or in an FO's case, call down some fire, but I'm presuming it's just something the game engine can't handle rather then a limitation due to historical accuracy...

  3. Probably yet another stupid question, but do knocked out vehicles (tanks in particular) count as cover for infantry? I recently tried using the remains of a couple of tanks as cover for an infantry advance across relatively exposed terrain, and got a fairly prodigeous whuppin... I was assuming that a squad of infantry parked under a non-burning but decidedly unhealthy tank might be offered a smidgen of cover... but we all know what assumption is the mother of....

  4. Newbie question:

    What's an effective way of using flamethrower teams? Intially they seem ultra-useful in clearing out entrenched infantry and the like, but the downside is I can never bring them in close enough to use them! They're a high priority target for enemy infantry so they tend to get picked off well before I can bring them into toasting range.

    Any advice would be much appreciated!

  5. This has probably been asked before, but is the elevation of tanks main guns restricted?

    Additionally, can infantry riding on tanks fire?

    The reason I ask is I read recently that Russian T34's in Berlin had real problems street fighting as their main gun couldn't elevate sufficiently to hit upper floors of buildings. Apparently they often overloaded their tanks with SMG squads who maintained fire on higher elevations.

  6. I tried following that thread to track down the Beta? version of the ATI driver... the one that corrects the psycodelic colours, but as yet with no joy. Is this driver still not commercially available, and if not does anyone out there know where I can get my greedy little hands on a copy?


  7. Running: G4 powerbook 1Ghz

    I'm new to the wonderful world of Mac's and I've been having some problems with CMBB, which I recently purchased.

    After much hairpulling, I successfully installed CMBB under OS 9.2 and was having a whale of a time until my game came grinding to a premature halt (system froze). I rebooted, but the graphics came back showing distorted tile-sets and colours. No problem, I thought, and promptly deleted the previous install, and (attempted) to reinstall. However now it gets about three quarters of the way through, freezes again during the install, and gives me a "type 2 error" whatever that means, when I try and run the program.

    Sorry if this is all a bit muppet-like, but any advice anyone has would be much appreciated... from what I played, this game rocks!

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