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Posts posted by Biscuit60156

  1. So with the last patch fighters now get 2 intercepts instead of 1.

    Am I the only one who hates this change? When bombers went to 2 strikes it was the correct move to show their power but with the fighters it totally changes the game balance. I don't know maybe I am wrong but what do you think about this new aspect of the game?


  2. I can usually get to the U.S. west coast towards the end of the game yes. The Pacific expansion is the only SC game I have never bought because it didn’t interest me as much. So this game is my first run at this theatre. I actually find the battle with the U.S. pretty easy for Japan.

    Granted this is against the computer but basically I keep Japan from war with everyone but China until December of ’41 (Usually this is how long I can keep the USSR from Germany). Before then I deploy all available Japanese corps in amphibious poised to take key islands as well as redeploying the Japanese Pacific forces. I also have all 7 subs built and part of my invasion U.S.A. force. I then issue a DOW on the U.S. sink what is at Pearl. Then I issue DOW’s on the Solomon Islands. At that point my corps and Pacific forces are in position I take every island including Wake, Midway, The Solomon’s, Christmas Island after destroying the bombers, the Philippine’s with the help of the airborne, Borneo, New Guinea, and all of the other smaller islands in between. At this point the U.S. is left with Papeete and Hawii. Then I play the hunt and seek game with the U.S. navy and pick off their transports because the only port they can get to is Australia and I can basically blockade the east side with subs. Then after I take out the Chinese and India I can turn my full attention to the U.S.. At that I am usually at the end of the game so my armada just get’s time to see the coast and maybe sink a ship or two.


  3. I am playing the 1939 scenerio and Japan has gotten India and the Dutch Indies to successfully surrender. The trouble I am having is that my Japanise navy keeps running into subs, battleships and carriers for both. Is this just a bug or am I seeing something that is scripted where they do not stop fighting unless England surrenders?

    Thanks for any thoughts you might have!!


  4. Well I won't comment on what should or shouldn't be in a new game but to it sounds like it's in the works which has me smiling!

    Okay I lied, I do hope it carries on the tradition of taking over countries not a choped up map into districts or whatever you might call them. I also like how in the expansions there are railroads & other objectives.....airfields would be nice especially if you had to build them and could only place planes on them or in cities.

  5. Hey all. I have played SC1 so many times I can't count and I consider myself pretty good, not great but good, lol. Well now as I have been diving into SC2 I have yet to find any sucess against the AI even on the basic level when playing the Axis. I understand it shouldn't be a push over by any means but the problems I keep running into aren't as much strat as much as understanding the new game. I thought if I listed my issues here someone could help me out with it better than I can get from the instructions.

    1. How is it that supply works? I keep running into issues where units next to an HQ who is 2 spots from a supply level 10 city can't move. My units are out of supply to invade the Netherlands? That doesn't make sense to me so there must be something I'm missing.

    2. How does weather affect movement?

    3. Does anyone really have the points to spare from purchasing units to actually ty research or diplomacy? I mean I can throw one or two points into each but that is about it because I need all the units in the game to attempt the USSR fight. It seems I never have enough units for the east.

    4. Am I the only one that hates winter because you can't see things like where you can deploy new units or the squares where you can move? It always seems come winter the screen gets washed out in white.

    5. Does anyone think windowed mode will ever be available? I'd love to switch back and forth to media player to listen to music or check my email.

    Ok sorry for all of the ranting. I like the game but right now I just have a high frustration level because of not understanding what should be basic.


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