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Posts posted by 42317

  1. Originally posted by 42317:

    Do I just put the engineers next to the target structure and then some "destroy" command appears in the command box (whatever it's called)?

    I wish to be not forgotten, please.

    I tried to blow up a bridge, but it did not work. The engineers, standing next to it, shot the bridge with their rifles, but that was it. Same with buildings.

    Is it possible you are confusing CMBO with the successing CM games?

  2. Hi there!

    Since nobody reacted to my offer for one special map in exchange for an AAR, I make another offer.

    If you feel like playing a map that was not done by the quick generator and still want an area that you did not create yourself - just come to me!

    Tell me what you have in mind and I will create a map for you and your opponent, including everything needed, landscape, troops, briefing (in German or English), etc.

    Due to technical reasons, the offer is limited to "Beyond Overlord". My "Barbarossa" CD is out of reach right now and I have not bought "Afrika Korps" yet.

  3. I have a map, but no more computer.

    (I'm using a public computer and the backup file.)

    It is a map of my homevillage which is situated right in the middle of the former Westwall.

    The historical MLR was between my village and the village south of it, where the US forces were temporarily halted by troops of the SS PzGrenDiv "Goetz von Berlichingen".

    History aside, I created the map so that the resistance would be found inside the village.

    The map is rather small, but it is elaborate.

    (Except for software restrictions, like houses cannot be situated on the flanks of a hill.)

    As a matter of fact, I am looking for experienced players who would set up a reasonable force and play my map, judging it and write a detailed After Action Report. That is what interests me most of all.

    For further information, please E-Mail me.


  4. And I would like to join this matter.

    I have a map, but no more computer.

    (I'm using a public computer and the backup file.)

    It is a map of my homevillage which is situated right in the middle of the former Westwall.

    The historical MLR was between my village and the village south of it, where the US forces were temporarily halted by troops of the SS PzGrenDiv "Goetz von Berlichingen".

    History aside, I created the map so that the resistance would be found inside the village.

    The map is rather small, but it is elaborate.

    (Except for software restrictions, like houses cannot be situated on the flanks of a hill.)

    As a matter of fact, I am looking for experienced players who would set up a reasonable force and play my map, judging it and write a detailed After Action Report. That is what interests me most of all.

    For further information, please E-Mail me.


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