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Posts posted by ManiK_Impressive

  1. Is dunkelgrau the early-war grey colour? I think I may know what is happening... in CMBB there are two sets of textures for many German vehicles to reflect the change from grey base color in the early war period to the yellow base color and many different camos in later war period...

    So, for example, the Marder II, if you play in 1942 the grey color (or whatever you replaced those BMPs with) will show up but in you play in 1944 you will get a yellow or camo scheme (or whatever you replaced those BMPs with). Hope that helps.

    J Kruger

    Just so you have something to base you reply on, the mission I saw the marder II and the SdKfz on is "The Tank" and the rifle squads there are rifle 41 (I know that there may be rifle squads from one year in a different year though)
  2. (sorry if this has been asked before)

    I just got the CMBB Special Edition and installed some mods for the CMMOS, specificallly the dunkelgrau tank, assault guns, armored cars, and half-tracks, and when I activate them (I know I'm doing it right because the mods for soviet tanks work fine) the textures dont show up as dunkelgrau, the show up as a tri-colour camoflauge. So I looked through my BMP directory and found some BMPs that I had installed mods for, and it showed them as having the changed textures, but when I looked some more, I found that there were ALSO the tri-colour versions, but the their number had a 1 infront of it, can someone tell me, what's going on and how to stop it?

  3. I just got Combat mission: beyond overlord special edition and I downloaded the CMMOS to apply some winter skins for the tanks, but when I try them out ingame, they dont appear on the tanks, its just the basic skins, even the mods for the tracks dont do anything, what do i need to do to make them work?

    also, are the mods that are included with CMBO special edition already applied ir do i have to apply them?

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