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Marshall Budenny

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Posts posted by Marshall Budenny

  1. Ok I finally got the game to load, decent looking graphics, fine. But what about playability?! I get to the 2nd battle 'Rising Tide' in the Polish Campaign, I'm driving around in a Vickers Machine Gun Tank, Im surrounded by 10 or 11 German tanks who are at point blank range, blasting away at me, and me at them, and neither side can put a scratch on my tank, or I on the Nazi Panzer I and II's! The ground my tank is sitting on is getting chewed up, but the tanks are oblivious to fire from 10, 20, or even 50 yards away. Was this game ever tested?!! Combat Mission was at least playable! This is not! I suggest you change your Headline on the web page from 'Theatre Of War Released' to 'Theatre Of War Released Prematurely!' You're going to need a bigger patch to make this game playable. I'm wishing you would've used Combat Mission's game engine with the better graphics of TOW. :confused:

  2. Pretty Disgusting! I waited all week to get this thinking how fun this will be on my brand new computer that I payed an arm and a lung for, with an upgraded video card that I paid extra for, just so I can play today's games with the great graphics, and what do I get? A game that immediately goes to a black screen and gives a pop up saying: {tow.exe has stopped working (when did it start working??!) A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.} Close Program

    Real helpful that is. Can I have my $53 back? There must be a game worth the money out there that actually works! :mad:

  3. Has this happened to anyone else? What is it supposed to mean? I played as the Russians vs the AI Germans in the scenario 'Nightride To Riga'. I finished with a tactical victory. (Not bad considering all the Nazi tanks and troop carriers that came flooding into town, and considering my 5 T-26 tanks were made out of cardboard). Anyway, one of my Soviet red flags on one of the two objectives I fought so hard to defend, at the end scenario, had the word BOGUS printed in yellow across it. What the heck is that supposed to mean? Great game so far by the way.

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