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Posts posted by Caffino

  1. No, all my mods sport the 10M grid. Since I uploaded them over the span of a few days, there are some naming variations. Changed the name of the Grass and Steppe mod so it also specifies grid size. I tried to include vehicles in each screen shot to give a sense of scale.

    As far as trees and vineyard, I have never looked at those. I'll check it out.

  2. Can't speak for other mods, but I can for my own. I uploaded a grass and steppe mod last night and just completed a snow and light snow mod tonight. I beleive I have done all the open ground terrains. Didn't do any modding for CMBO or CMBB, so mine are all recent.

    I used and liked Capt Wacky's arid terrain grid. I got the idea for the terrain appropriate, subdued grid lines from him. When I didn't find a sand mod (didn't look that hard), I made one myself (I was getting smoked in a desert tank battle, and wanted the help).

    Capt Wacky used 20 a meter grid. Blah Blah Blah got me wanting a finer grid. So I made a 10 meter grid mod, which works better for me. Then I had to do a whole set.

    There are several others, but I wasn't willing to download something that didn't have a preview picture. Some from previous versions will work with this game. Lastly, if you have a lower-end system, you might look for low-res mods. If you have bandwidth to burn, check them all out.

    And Capt Wacky, I apologize for hijacking your thread.

  3. Played this as both Axis and Allies against the AI. I destroyed the Axis when I played the Allies, but only won a minor victory when I played as the Axis.

    When I played as the Axis, I let the computer place it's units. Don't do this; the computer placed all it's guns at the far end of the river. I destroyed all I contacted, but did not make contact with most of the defenders. Have the computer use the scenario default deployment.

  4. Played this as both Axis and Allies against the AI. I destroyed the Axis when I played the Allies, but only won a minor victory when I played as the Axis.

    When I played as the Axis, I let the computer place it's units. Don't do this; the computer placed all it's guns at the far end of the river. I destroyed all I contacted, but did not make contact with most of the defenders. Have the computer use the scenario default deployment.

  5. Played this scenario Allies vs. AI. True, the map was daunting when I first saw it. All I knew was that I had armor coming at me from the west and infantry from the east. I decided to just try and hold the town and preserve my forces as much as possible.

    I used the default deployment. I kept half my infantry embarked in trucks so that I could rush them to hotspots. Posted a few vehicles at the closest crossroads in an attempt to keep them open until all reinforcements were in.

    This was fun to play, probably because I had very little idea of where to expect the enemy's attack. They hit me from three distinct approaches, plus a couple little skirmishes. Having played no early war scenarios up to this point, I had to adapt my AFV tactics as I played.

    This is my favorite scenario so far in CMAK. I'm interested enough to do it again as the Axis. Won with a score of 94 to 6. Was disappointed to find that there was embarked Italian infantry that never made it to battle, cheapening my victory. Apparently the AI doesn't know how to handle them.

    This scenario would be great against a human opponent

    [ January 05, 2004, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: Caffino ]

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