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Posts posted by Bobhorn

  1. Hello all, looking forward to playing this. I played quite a bit of CMBB and CMAK back in the day. Bought CMFB a couple years ago and I don't remember such problems. When I click on the file I get a "page can't be found" or "destination file can't be found". I'm not much good with PC's other than pointing and clicking, so not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've created a Support ticket, but if one of you fine fellows can help I'd greatly appreciate it. Is there anywhere that lists the steps to follow?  Thanks,  Robert

  2. HI all, been a long time fan of CM, played a lot of CMBB and CMAK around 2002-2005. Hard to believe it was so long ago. I finally got a PC that would run the new engine and bought Final Blitzkrieg about three weeks ago, been having a lot of fun and sinking a lot of time into it. However, the mouse has stopped operating the camera. It still moves the cursor around, all the buttons seem to work, just can't move the camera with the mouse. I've tried a wired one as well as my usual wireless, same result. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks,  Rob

  3. Been playing Tiger Valley PBEM, and forgot I guess to un- and re-button my Tigers. My genius Elite Tiger TC unbuttons toward the end of the round, 3 seconds later a shot rings out, the TC screams, the crew stats show 4ok,1 cas, "shocked", the turn ends. Next turn, it's still "shocked", but the crew count is 5?!?!? Anybody ever see this before?

  4. Thanks all, especially Abteilung, and Omi, for pointing out what should have been obvious to me. I don't study the tables near as much as I should. I am aware of the "real life advantages" of the 42 over the 34, I was wondering more about in the game. I was just wondering if the "game life advantages" of the 42 were worth giving up the 20 extra rounds you get with the 34. Seems like I'm always running out of ammo, thats one reason I like the 34, and it's pretty darn effective itself. Guess I need to try that test out, and see what I think then. Thanks again.

  5. Something I've been wondering about.It seems like a no-brainer to pick the 34 over the 42. It cost's less, and has a good bit more ammo. Is there something in the modeling that I don't know about, that makes the 42 more effective? Or does it make more sense to use the 34 over the 42, even if it was'nt as common later?

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