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Posts posted by grimtooth

  1. Given the fact that I still currently play "old school games": CM. I'm always willing to give a penny or two to BFC for they're latest combat mission series. It doesn't matter if certain games don't cut the mustard (ie Tow), I still feel it was a worthy investment in future games from BFC. I had my intial doubts with CMSF but the more I played the demo, the more I enjoyed it! Yes I have no doubt, down the pipeline, I will continue to enjoy CMSF.

  2. 2kb for memory? I remember back in the day with my ol' Texas Instruments TI99/4a had about 16k RAM. Slam my lil dungeon of doom game into the cassette drive and go play outside for about 40 minutes. If the system didn't have "syntax error" repeating across your tv screen you would be in video game heaven. If all else failed, go break open good ol' squad leader. So now when I see some complaining about their 3000 mhz atomic powered, laser cutting ,flame throwing, laptop not up snuff with their neighbors I can only sit back and recollect with laughter. Old timers unite! OLDTIMER! Signing off.

  3. Your new system sounds good enough to run. But I would definately uninstall Vista immediately. Otherwise I'm afriad the game will drop in framerates with microsoft memory hog eating up the system. I highly recommend reformatting the hard drive to XP. If you still like the looks of Vista, there are hundreds of mods out on the net that make XP look (almost)identical to Vista. Cheers!

  4. Well, for the most part I have the pleasure(or pain)to find some games over the years that haven't worked on my system(s) is not because of the developer but because:

    1) Spyware inflicted on my cpu (BF 2142 is a great example).

    2) You have a Trojan on your cpu (or worse!)

    With that said, if it still doesn't work then you have two opinions: Buy a new video card and get a life or keep on playing cute little games on your macincrap!

    Enough said!

    p.s. I was one of those individuals who hated this game at first but realized it wasn't the game but lousy tactics. Now I love it! Thank You Moon & MadMatt!

  5. Wow! I'm impressed! Tx Moon

    I really hated this game at first (too many issues here to discuss, ditto to what others had said).

    But after giving myself some time - evaluating and learning new techniques (my poor tactics vs great AI behavior). I love this game! It kicks my ass (8/10 games) so far, but I'm even more determined to replay that very battle. Thanks Battlefront!

  6. While we're all waiting for TOW I came across ArmA (Demo) previously called Operation Flashpoint. Armed Assault is a first person tactical military shooter with large elements of realism and simulation. This game features a blend of large-scale military conflict spread over large areas alongside the more closed quarters battle. The player will find himself thrust in the midst of an engaging and expanding storyline, fighting against smart, aggressive enemies who will continually provide a challenge over a massive landscape.

    Here is the link to a working demo http://www.armedassault.com/

    Don't worry Madmatt (Battlefront crew) I will still buy a copy of TOW.

  7. This is getting humourous to say the least!

    :mad: December issue of Armchair General (2006) stated "we" could download a 'working demo'of of TOW. Haven't seen it yet from Battlefront.

    :mad: Now I recieve my March issue of Armchair General (22 January 2007) stating I can now buy my very own copy of Theatre of War for a mere $39.99 and it was RELEASED DECEMBER 2006!!?!!?

    I suppose this is a Russian timeline? Perhaps?

    Battlefront should give the correct release info before going public with a product that they can't present. Don't get me wrong with this gripe. I LOVE Battlefront's Combat Mission Series. Ask my wife, "Your still playing that old game again honey!? Come to bed dear!" The problem is I have been waiting and waiting and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Wha? Oh yeah, I eagerly await this fabulous game and yet still a little upset when the product doesn't show. Enough said!

  8. Hunter (and to all of those who contributed so many long hours debugging Combat Mission Series) - THANK YOU!

    Here we are six years later and I still play the original Combat Mission. Hands down, nothing has come close this historic game design. I salute you guys from Battlefront.com for all of your hard work.

    To see previews of Theatre of War only makes me want more. My wife has something to say also to you guys "Not another wargame! My husband has enough!" My response always is "You can never have enough quality wargames!" From someone who used to invest hundreds of hours playing the old Advanced Squad Leader series. Three turns of ASL contributed to a weekend of arguing (ex. "That was frontal pentetration shot! No it wasn't! Side Track hit dude! Give me a break, roll the damn dice!" Thank you Battlefront for saving thousands of hours!

    CMC and Theatre of War is on Santa's wish list (I hope can't I?). smile.gif

  9. Hey guys,

    After scrolling thru the TOW forum (reading the reports) and drooling over the TOW graphics. I was wondering if ORDERS PHASE could be inplemented? You know the old "end of tactical turn and watch the fireworks begin mode". That is one of my favorite features of CM series.

    A pause mode is good but not great, too many frustrations. I much prefer to have the ol' 60 seconds combat video.

  10. smile.gif Combat Mission is the best wargame (ever!). Forget playing morrowind oblivion, splinter cell, or civilizatin IV. I can't wait for Campaign version of Combat Mission! I have been searching over used bookstores for Russian campaign subjects, but to have it already built into CM is awesome! Thank you Battlefront for keeping the CM alive! There goes a thousand more hours of staying up late into the night!
  11. Originally posted by Alexei:

    Hi all,

    I bought CMBB, I loved it and then I bought CMAK just after its release. Now I am just wondering if I have to buy CMBO as well... :confused:

    Is CMBO technically that inferior to CMBB & CMAK? Will I be disappointed? What do you think??

    Thanks !!

    EVEN THOUGH THE GRAPHICS AREN'T GOOD, ITS ALL THE GAME PLAY. I would buy it again no doubt. There are lot of great mods & skins for this game.
  12. This third edition of the Combat Mission series is an awesome wargame! In fact, each game (CM, CMBB, & CMAK) has been a major step in wargaming. If you have gripes then you try the classical way of wargaming i.e. Advanced Squad Leader. It took about four hours do figure out one turn (about 1000 pts CM)in the old fashion way with hexagons. Battlefront.com has designed an excellant gaming experience. Enjoy it and spread the word!

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