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Posts posted by beady

  1. I hate getting used to a new computer!

    I tried it again and it's installing just fine from the D drive, as I speak. I'm really relieved, 'cause this laptop is for personal use on a three-month business trip coming up in January (I'm getting sent to Orlando for the winter!), and CMAK is the one game I keep going back to.

    Now, if I can just get used to the bloody touch-pad. :(

  2. I've had CMAK installed on my desktop PC forever. The old thing is dying, however, and my new laptop just arrived. I tried to install CMAK but, while the laptop can read the CD, it doesn't want to install the game; it "doesn't respond."

    At the moment, I'm installing "Rome - Total War," and things seem to be going OK.

    Any ideas? Does it matter that I haven't taken CMAK off the old computer, yet?

  3. Well, I haven't seen this comment anywhere, so I'll stick in my two cents (remembering that I'm only through about the 1st half).

    I think the book is a tad unbalanced. If the reader isn't somewhat familiar with the overall campaign, the groupings of individual narratives gives one the sense that the British are constantly winning. I think the problem is the lack of overall context; maybe a page should have been spent alongside each map, giving a quick overview.

    Another problem is the perceived comparative lack of German and Italian accounts. I would think that there are enough English translations available that I don't understand why they haven't been included.

  4. Originally posted by Embark:

    Ok thanks for the help. I know it was a noob question but I couldn't find the answer in the manual.


    I've found it a good idea to construct a "dummy" scenario, where I can try out things like this, where I'm not sure things are going to work the way I intend them to. Way off in a corner is an enemy bunker facing the wrong way, just to make the "game" valid without fear of a mobile enemy screwing up my trials.
  5. Originally posted by Flenser:

    Indeed, I've never understood the "guns must be towed rule". People usually say something about it not being "realistic". Nevermind the fact that meeting engagements like the kind depicted in a QB almost never happened.

    Well, in *the* classic meeting engagement, Gettysburg, no one was surprised, and everyone, for the most part, knew where everyone else was (except Lee didn't know where Stuart was, but that's another matter). Meeting Engagement doesn't necessarilly mean that someone is surprised, it just means that everyone is arriving on the field at the same time.

    As far as the limbered/unlimbered question, who's to say that the guns weren't unlimbered the turn before the game started?

  6. I've really only played a couple of scenarios, Another Hill and Gathering Before the Storm, but I've played them several times from both sides. I've also played around with the scenario designer, completely replacing both forces in Gathering, then playing it out. I've noticed something, but never got around to aking about it.

    Is it just me, or does the AI insist on fighting with one hand tied behind its back? In Gathering, only about half of the AI forces even attempt to approch the central ridge, while virtually nothing is sent against the village. In my experimental scenario, half the Allied infantry (the ones in trucks) stayed on the trucks and the trucks retreated to the map edge and stayed there. In Hill, the Allied tank is almost always the only unit to advance into combat; the jeeps and infantry usually sit outside the valley having a smoke. Playing as the Americans, the German sniper is the only unit that gives me a lot of trouble.

    Am I missing something?

  7. Originally posted by MikeT:

    Great news, I finally got an installable version of the new CMMOS with support for CMAK. It even includes some changes to CMBB as far as filelists go, adding some new ones and fixing some mistakes.


    Not meaning anything derogatory, or anything, but why would I want to bother with CMMOS instead of the CM Mod Manager?
  8. Originally posted by Omi:

    Shouldn't we be able to choose the ground condition? Then at least we could pick light snow and get the uniforms without all the inconvinent that comes with the "snowing" weather condition.

    I haven't tried this, myself, but I don't see why it couldn't work. Get a quick battle set up, save it, exit, use a mod manager to install winter uniforms, and restart the game.
  9. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    I somehow doubt the intro music has a proper name. It sounds like its purpose-made for the game...

    Go to CMMODS and look for my "Lili Marlene March." The song has always been one of my favorites, and I jumped at the chance to replace the out-of-the-box music with this march version. I cleaned it up a little with a music editor; IIRC, it was originally imbedded in the middle of a much longer piece.
  10. Originally posted by GreenAsJade:

    Despite this, because the virus is pretending to be from me, my Inbox is filling up with bounce messages saying "the virus you sent has been blocked blah blah" :mad: :mad: :mad: :(


    I've been on that end of things, myself. You have my condolences.

    The good news is that the attack seems to be over. I got just that first spate of five or so messages, and nothing since (it's been 24 hours). The first message was the actual Virus Warning, the others were from what looks to be a mailing list of French and Finnish CMMODS users who also received the warning (Phillippe, Pascal and Anti - Hi, Guys!) - they discussed this in their emails.

    So, it would seem that the originating, infected computer belongs to someone who uses CMODDS. I posted a couple of music mods there, which is the only way I can think of that my address could have been harvested from that site.

  11. Originally posted by Viceroy:

    My Nortons nailed it straight away, so update your virus software if you have to.

    Ditto. I got the original, plus three or four more from infected computers. My own AV "F-Prot" nailed it as it came in. Best $30 I spend, every year! And to think that I was starting to get annoyed at the more-than-daily automatic updates that have become necessary!

    Here's a tip: to make it easier for my AV software, *all* my downloads, including email attachments, go into a special, single "downloads" folder.

    Now, does this mean that the CMMODS web site is unusable for the time being?

    [ March 20, 2004, 01:40 PM: Message edited by: beady ]

  12. Originally posted by redwolf:

    If you look for technical reasons why it was better then you won't find anything, apart from minor points like...

    So, it sounds like there's no real reason why I couldn't use a King Tiger for "infantry support"? The impression I'm getting is that AFVs were assigned their primary, docrinal roles for reasons that have little to do with basic tactics, and more with considerations that are outside the scope of the game.
  13. Thanks for the suggestions, gang, but I guess I'm not making myself clear. I went to the Byte Battler and downloaded all the documents; these seem partly what I'm after, However, even here, I encounter descriptions such as:

    [sU76M] Based on the T-70 chassis and designed as a combination of assault gun and tank destroyer, the increase in German armour forced this vehicle into the infantry support role where it saw widespread use.
    Looking at the charts doesn't tell me why it was forced into infantry support or why it apparently functioned well in that role. I'm guessing that the increased German armor necessitated a heavier(?) or more widespread(?) antitank capability for the Soviet infantry? If so, why was this particular AFV chosen for that role?
  14. Is there such a thing? I don't have much luck with columns and rows of numbers; what I need is a plain-text explanation, such as "Use this tank to support your infantry," or "This is a good anti-tank weapon if you're within xxx yards." I think the original Steel Panthers took this kind of approach, and I found it a lot easier to combine my weapons systems effectively.

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