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Posts posted by Fridge

  1. I have read those books as well and find them to be a good source of information.

    Then again, I am not a historian and would be hard pressed to argue any particular point. I would be interested in hears of other books along the same lines, however, that give a particularly Canadian view point.


    Not sure if there is a resource that we can readily turn to to identify the Canadian OOB other than the official histories. Again, I am no historian, just an arm-chair general who does like to read.

  2. Ok. Let me pose a couple of follow-up questions.

    1) What scenerio characteristics should I be looking for in my first PBEM game? Length? Size? Forice composition dynamic?

    2) How many single-player scenerios should I play through - and what ones would be recommended - to avoid noobish mistakes?

    3) According to the Peng-self-luv thread I can not mention in passing in that thread that I am looking for a game. So's how's one suppose'ta strike up a non-intrusive game wit dem homies?

  3. Ok. I am new. That much should be obvious.


    But I have been following this series for a while, tried my hand at the store bought CM2:B2B and finally broke down and bought CM3:Afrika Corps.

    Compared to the knowledge shown in these forums I am new but not completely green but I am looking to learn how to be better - and to better understand the many aspects of tactical warefare presented in these games and forums.

    So I am looking for my first PBEM game - and I am looking for opponents who are willing to explain what I did wrong and what I did right in our engagements so that hopefully I can get better.

    Could anyone point me in the right direction for my quest?

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