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Cookie Monster

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Posts posted by Cookie Monster

  1. Just ordered the digital download earlier this week and I must say that this is one great game!

    The only thing I see weak is the poor performance by the AI but I know that they are working on this. After that this game will be a great addition to my already big WWII library.

    I think that the gameplay is much better than Gary Grisby's World at War. Gary's game felt too much like I've been there done that before but SC2 is simple yet very addictive!

    Thank you Battlefront for this game!

  2. Hi,

    First of all I want to thank you guys for helping me out. I followed both of your advices and removed the wireless card but this did not help. CMBB was the only game experiencing a slowdown.

    That got me thinking.... I did do an adaware cleanup and found a data miner which was removed but that didn't help any either. So then I checked my notes and it seems that a while ago I did a windows update. The update included a video card update.

    I decided to look for another video driver and found a newer one (I have a GeForce 4 go 440). After the update problem solved.

    Sorry that this turned out to be a routine fix but if it wasn't for your help I wouldn't have had my memory jogged and figure out the problem! ;)

  3. Hi all,

    I seem to have a problem with horrible video and game slowdown since installing a wireless network on my rig.

    I've followed the advice about setting up the video card prior to installing the network and I've had no issues. It was after installing the network, i.e. wirless router and wirless pci card on my laptop, that I just can't get rid of the slowdown.

    Is there an issue with CMBB trying to access the network which is causing this slowdown?

  4. You know what would really be cool is blacked out areas of the map that you don't have units at. Those areas would become visible when a unit moves into the area taking into account los of course. When the unit moves away and if there are no other observers in the area then that region would fade to a "greyed" out view.

    Would this be appealing to players here?

  5. Hi there,

    I think I can answer question 3. If I'm not mistaken you can set the covered arc in one direction and issue a move order to have the tank move in another direction. I've never tried this myself but logically it should work this way. I believe that when you set the covered arc the computer will ask you if you'd like to use the main gun or the machine gun.

  6. Since I did not preorder CMAK I was wondering if a mod could answer a quick question for me. I thought I'd post it here for all to benefit from.

    Anyway, if I place an order today will there be a copy of CMAK ready to ship to me right away or is the inventory already depleted?

    Thanks in advance for your answer.

  7. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    I've never seen an immobilized tank get 'un-immobilzed' in the game. Immobilized can cover all sorts of unfixable problems besides simply getting stuck, such as torn-up tracks, busted transmission, blown-off roadwheels or drive sprocket, etc etc.

    Thanks, your explanation makes me feel better as to why my tank became immobilized. I'm really impressed with the level of realism in CMBB. As a new CMBB'er who's had the game for about a month now I just can't get enough! It seems like every scenario I play I learn something new about this game.
  8. Originally posted by Wicky:

    [QB] Yup tis stuck.

    It can still function like a fixed pill box, but if it it gets hit a few times the crew might decide to abandon. I would try and fire off as much HE as possibe, into known or suspected enemy positions/buildings before you possible lose it. Or alternatively, depending on where it's stuck/ status, you could hide it and use it for ambush purposes with cover arcs etc.

    What's experience? and is it an independant or part of a platoon or HQ tank?

  9. I have a question.

    In the game I'm currently playing (Antonescu is Kaput) one of my T-34's has a "immobilized" status in the status window. I have no movement or rotate commands available in the "right click popup menu". Does this mean this tank is pretty much done for the rest of the scenario? I tried using the hotkeys to get the tank to move (M) or move to contanct (E) but got no response.

    Just another note. When zoom level is set to 1 and I look at the tank from the side view it is clear that the tank tracks are sunk in halfway through the ground. (snow covered)

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