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Posts posted by Grapeshot

  1. Originally posted by Grapeshot:

    How about this

    "The dice are on the table"

    I repeat

    "the dice are on the table"

    ps. I really hope most of you get this

    Don't worry I already have my c4 and am heading towards the the railyard smile.gif
  2. Gentlemen, settle down a bit. We are dealing with the company that put the G in Grog. Have any of you played any of the combat missions? Been around since CM (can't tell by my log in, lost my original) but this company does the best work in the business when it comes to historical accuracy. They will do their best to get them in if possible. I doubt they sit around and go lets leave out the 88 to piss everyone off, nor do they think that 88 are a rare piece of equipment. If they don't make it in, or "x" piece of equipment doesn't make it in, they do have some constraits (especially since they hop on the project late). Give the demo a shot and if you don't like it, or think that the lack of 88s ruins your experience do not purchase it. Just my thoughts from a lurker that has had a few pops this eve.

  3. Originally posted by Prince of Eckmühl:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kellysheroes:

    This type of topic always boils down to one of my pet peeves about rts games and pushing to player into a command decision type of gameplay instead of playing the whole game.

    If players aren't gonna face time pressures in decision making what's the point, what's being simulated? Flight sims don't allow orders to be issued while the game is paused. Although, if your nerves can't take it, I suppose you can play one of those silly, turned based flight-monstrosities.

    PoE </font>

  4. I have played the beta since it went up. I now see most servers run the 9.41 version. I have checked the news on the drop team websites as well as the files to download yet I see no mention of a new version. Am I missing something?

  5. Originally posted by Peter Cairns:


    advocating the overthrow of Castro, you wouldn't have a problem with that.

    lets face it if the US government isn't doing anything to stop them, doesn't give the cubans the right to do it, doesn't the US


    Advocating and letting armed combantants take refuge on your borders are two different things. If Mexico had a rebel force trying to overthrow the government and these rebels would engage Mexican forces and then duck across into Texas a number of times is a different story. If Mexican Government were pursuing said force across the border and were engaged by US forces, yes the Mexican forces would be right. Or if we engage these Mexican Forces pursuing the rebels we would, by action, be supporting the revolution and at a "soft" state of war with Mexico.
  6. I think the key will be the same as it is in the "real world" gather enough intel through any means (probe attacks ect). Then attack that area with overwhelming force. How long can that enemy company hold out against your 2 overstrength battalions with tank support. Then it will be a mad scramble to meet this thrust with reserves/redeployment with another massive engagement.

    This is a guess of mine of how a CMMC game will go between humans. If you have roughly two divisions squaring off you will have 3-4 large battles that will decide who will win. There will be 10-15 battles to determine who has the most/best forces available/in position for these large battles. By either wearing down, pinnning forces or gathering intel these smaller battles help determine who will win the big engagments.

  7. Because we play CM1/Germany does it mean we want to rule the world/europe and start death camps. CM2 is modeling modern warfare and BFC decided to choose this setting to model. This is a game and should be treated as such, I have no problems fragging demons/nazis/americans/elves/whatever in the various games I play. So what is the problem with this setting because in the future we will probably not see the type of world wars we saw pre 1950s? Most future wars will probably be low intensity conflicts with one side possessing much great materials than the other.

    What concerns me most about CM2, is that if it is able to achieve reality while still remaining fun to play.

  8. I think the real question here is a little hidden. I like modern combat but the problem simulating it is the leathality of the equipment. What I mean is for the most part in modern combat, if you can see it, is dead. Tanks- there are enough (man-carrying) equipment out now to knockout the heaviest of tanks at great range. You can even knockout the M1 with more crude atgs like an RPG in some circumstances at much greater ranges than a zook or shreck. The firepower available to a Nato infantry company now is so much greater than during WWII (not only the firepower the amount of time in which it can be applied is reduced greatly ie art.). Even in straight infantry matchups, if you can see the enemy you can put an huge amount of firepower onto the target. Lets not even get into air as everyone knows the huge diffence in the setting.

    I really like the modern setting, but how do you keep it from being a "I see you now your dead" type of game.

    P.S. forgive the typos a few too many budweisers watching MNF/Yanks vs Angels

  9. OH! Almost forgot... There was a Chimay tasting and the consultant that I am working with on my little Project insisted we go get hammered on Belgian Beer and stuff our faces with grilled meats. .... Good buzz on some fine beers..... the drunken stupor... So I went to the Damons they have on the premisis, where the best beer I could find was bloody Sam effing Adams so I had to swill a few of them down just to make staying in that awful room tolerable.... then I got my beer goggles on and this beast at the bar actually started to look appetizing... So I drank more and staggered to my room ...... woke up on the floor without any clothes on and the TV blaring and the book I am reading over my face...... How or why it was over my face is a bit of a mystery. Why naked .... I know I was actually in the bed at one point because the spread was turned down and the sheet and blanket had a slept in look. .... Drunken Stupor sleep has none of the refreshing qualities of real sleep, .
    Where you really sleeping?

    I could offer various explanations for these events but it might make the younger cesspoolers blush. That and I would not want to offend any certain unnamed lady and goat.

  10. I think they made the CM2 game engine to make 6-8 games. I don't think the first one released will be ww2. They did state somewhere in these posts games 1 and 2 off the new engine.

    I am guess we will get a modern or near future conflict first. Then very soon after a ww2 western front. 6-8 months eastern front, 6 months far future, 6 months ancient, 6 months lobster. I think they made this engine to last a very long time over 6+ games. That is why the specs will be pretty high so it can last 5 years or so and still look good. Just my 2cents

  11. I have a question to pose, would the advantages of the M16 over the M4 be offset by modern warfare? Because of modern communications would most target at ranges where the M16 exceeds the M4 in performance be hit by other assets? Infantry are now used to pinpoint targets for M1abrams/bradley/apache/f-16 and then close to finish the job. So wouldn't the M4s of the world (carbines) be more productive option for modern infantry?

  12. From a quick google search on the subject I didn't get a lot of figures. In terms of afvs it would seem that the 12 ss gave out much more then it received. From the few figures I saw on the early action

    The I. Battalion sustained 15 dead, 87 wounded and 10 missing. Losses of the II. were even heavier, including most company chiefs and the commander. The Tank Battalion lost six Panzer IV. But the 27th Canadian Tank Regiment lost 28 Shermans and the 9th Canadian Brigade suffered 245 casualties.

    On June 11 fighting again centered on Mohnke's 26th Regiment, giving this unit its brief moment of limited victory. The 3rd Canadian Division decided to clear the Mue valley by driving toward higher ground at le Haut du Basq, which was Colonel Mohnke's headquarters. The 6th Canadian Armored Regiment spearheaded the assault, supported by the infantry of the Queen's Own Rifles. They passed through Norrey en Bessin under heavy shelling and reached the open corn fields north of le Mesnil Patry. Leading tanks reached the village under heavy machine gun and mortar fire, when they were attacked by Mohnke's Ill. Battalion, commanded by SS Captain Hans Scapini, from Cristot on their right and the I. Battalion, commanded by SS Major Bernhard Krause, from St. Mauvieu on their left. The Canadians were forced to retreat, leaving behind them 37 burned out tanks, 95 dead officers and men and a large number of wounded and missing. The 6th Canadian Regiment suffered one third of ail their casualties in the European campaign during this encounter with the Hitler Youth at le Mesnil Patry. The 26th Regiment lost only 13 Panthers and had fewer casualties than the Canadians.

    From what I read, both sides took a beating but the Germans had no way to sustain the losses. Also, I have a feeling that the veteran nco's the 12 ss had were mainly in the tank corp. I saw various accounts from Canadian commanders that the 12 ss fought hard but made various tactical errors (frontal attacks instead of flanking, coordinations of actions ect)

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