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Phaser on Tickle

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Posts posted by Phaser on Tickle


    by Poor Old Spike,retired Rugged Defense cmbb Ladder Leader 2003 (pooroldspike@aol.com)

    I'm an old English grog and am the Commandant of Headshots Battle Academy.

    Nowadays I play for fun against anybody,and also enjoy training newbies how to kill.

    (These notes apply mostly to small exciting fast-moving Cmbb Meetings but will also generally hold good for some other battle types)

    STUDY THE PARAMETERS FIRST!-- Don't play a game you don't want to play. Tell the guy "sorry mate I wouldn't enjoy playing that setup". Then if you both can't agree on parameters DON'T PLAY IT. You'd just be bored. Gaming should be FUN above all else:)

    THINK BIG PICTURE! -- Before the start,and also at points during the game as the situation changes, NEVER LOSE SIGHT OF WHAT YOU MUST DO TO WIN.You MUST therefore play simultaneously with a large-scale Strategic AND small-scale Tactical mindset.There are great Strategic players around,and there are great Tactical players around,but there are relatively few players who are great Strategically AND Tactically,like myself:)

    ARROGANCE IS GOOD! -- The slaughterhouse of the Russian Front is no place for the timid,so make sure you know your units capabilities INSIDE OUT before you set foot on the steppe,to give you that extra smugness,boastfulness and confidence in your ability.Let the other guy be a modest wimp if he wants,not you. ("In peace there's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility,but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger!" - Henry V) I've been playing East Front wargames for a quarter-century and nobody better mess with me,I've been around:)

    DO IT YOUR WAY! -- Buy whatever you like,and play however you like. If your opponent tries to bellyache halfway through the game,or after you've beaten him,just say,"Sorry mate, too late,you should have spoken up before the start about what units and tactics we can or cannot use." Same goes for the sourbelly "reality nuts" on the sidelines who say your style is unrealistic. Ignore them,all they do is talk instead of fighting!

    THIS IS WAR,NOT A DANCE! -- Forget all the longwinded tac articles and AARs about fancy maneuvers, and just play by INSTINCT and COMMONSENSE. We all have the hunting instinct within us, inherited from our caveman ancestors, so ACCESS IT, as we're all NATURAL-BORN HUNTERS. Does a cat have to read tactical articles about how to stalk birds and mice? Of course not, it comes natural!

    FIGHT TIGHT! -- Keep your armour close together in one or two big packs most of the time, or in separate smaller tight groups as the situation changes, rather than spread all over the map in dribs and drabs. And when you move your armour groups,do it as if you're controlling a precision aerobatic team,all moving and fighting tight together,and often use the 6 key top-down view if you need to set absolute movement accuracy.

    CHECKMATE YOUR OPPONENT!--Visualise the map as a simple chessboard. Regard your armour groups as "queens", and try to position them statically so their lines of fire criss-cross the map to hold the enemy in check, by placing them on hills if your tanks are better than his,or in unseen ambush positions peeking around hills or woods.

    LET THE CUSTOMER COME TO THE SHOP! -- Once you're nicely positioned,try to do as little moving as possible,or you might walk into his lines of fire. Far better to let HIM walk into yours.

    KEEP IT SIMPLE! -- I NEVER use the "Seek Hull-down"command because its unreliable. I simply lay down my "Hunt" move order lines to near the top of the crest,then get my eyeball down in the grass with view 1 and 2,and fine-tune the lines by eye.

    I "shoot-and-scoot" sometimes but its nothing to write home about. I also very rarely use the Move to Contact, Human Wave, Advance, Assault orders either because I'm too lazy to try properly figuring out what they do. And I never split my inf squads into two.

    DON'T OVER-MICROMANAGE!--I usually simply tell my boys to "go here, go there" and leave them alone to pick their own targets most of the time, as I don't want to confuse them too much. My file turnaround time averages only about 5 minutes because of my CRISP UNCLUTTERED style, which is why I completed 70 pbem games in only 12 weeks,averaging over 20 on the go at once. Make war as you make love, by being FAST BRUTAL AND DECISIVE,WITH HIGH AMMO EXPENDITURE.

    DON'T GO A FLAG TOO FAR! -- Right from the start, add up their total victory points (300 large,100 small) and decide which ones you want to have. I just usually aim for taking most flag points, not all,as I don't want to spread my boys too thin. Its far easier to take and hold a high-scoring flag group in just one area of the map. But I do make a token effort by trying to walk a single squad or LMG etc up to minor flags. One more thing, NEVER place too much trust in the flag ownership icons and the score readout, or you could get a nasty surprise when the final result screen comes up!

    IF YOU'VE GOT THE SHOT TAKE IT!--I hardly ever bother checking the hit and kill percentages during play. If the line is blue, I usually take the shot. If its not, I don't.

    Never fear to use inhumane violence and overkill, LET THE FEAR BE YOUR ENEMIES! --

    Don't worry what he might do to you, just think about what YOU'RE going to do to HIM. Imagine him as being a door,and don't waste your time leaning on it, just KICK IT IN.


    by Poor Old Spike,retired Rugged Defense cmbb Ladder Leader 2003 (pooroldspike@aol.com)

    I'm an old English grog and am the Commandant of Headshots Battle Academy.

    Nowadays I play for fun against anybody,and also enjoy training newbies how to kill.

    (These notes apply mostly to small exciting fast-moving Cmbb Meetings but will also generally hold good for some other battle types)

    STUDY THE PARAMETERS FIRST!-- Don't play a game you don't want to play. Tell the guy "sorry mate I wouldn't enjoy playing that setup". Then if you both can't agree on parameters DON'T PLAY IT. You'd just be bored. Gaming should be FUN above all else:)

    THINK BIG PICTURE! -- Before the start,and also at points during the game as the situation changes, NEVER LOSE SIGHT OF WHAT YOU MUST DO TO WIN.You MUST therefore play simultaneously with a large-scale Strategic AND small-scale Tactical mindset.There are great Strategic players around,and there are great Tactical players around,but there are relatively few players who are great Strategically AND Tactically,like myself:)

    ARROGANCE IS GOOD! -- The slaughterhouse of the Russian Front is no place for the timid,so make sure you know your units capabilities INSIDE OUT before you set foot on the steppe,to give you that extra smugness,boastfulness and confidence in your ability.Let the other guy be a modest wimp if he wants,not you. ("In peace there's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility,but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger!" - Henry V) I've been playing East Front wargames for a quarter-century and nobody better mess with me,I've been around:)

    DO IT YOUR WAY! -- Buy whatever you like,and play however you like. If your opponent tries to bellyache halfway through the game,or after you've beaten him,just say,"Sorry mate, too late,you should have spoken up before the start about what units and tactics we can or cannot use." Same goes for the sourbelly "reality nuts" on the sidelines who say your style is unrealistic. Ignore them,all they do is talk instead of fighting!

    THIS IS WAR,NOT A DANCE! -- Forget all the longwinded tac articles and AARs about fancy maneuvers, and just play by INSTINCT and COMMONSENSE. We all have the hunting instinct within us, inherited from our caveman ancestors, so ACCESS IT, as we're all NATURAL-BORN HUNTERS. Does a cat have to read tactical articles about how to stalk birds and mice? Of course not, it comes natural!

    FIGHT TIGHT! -- Keep your armour close together in one or two big packs most of the time, or in separate smaller tight groups as the situation changes, rather than spread all over the map in dribs and drabs. And when you move your armour groups,do it as if you're controlling a precision aerobatic team,all moving and fighting tight together,and often use the 6 key top-down view if you need to set absolute movement accuracy.

    CHECKMATE YOUR OPPONENT!--Visualise the map as a simple chessboard. Regard your armour groups as "queens", and try to position them statically so their lines of fire criss-cross the map to hold the enemy in check, by placing them on hills if your tanks are better than his,or in unseen ambush positions peeking around hills or woods.

    LET THE CUSTOMER COME TO THE SHOP! -- Once you're nicely positioned,try to do as little moving as possible,or you might walk into his lines of fire. Far better to let HIM walk into yours.

    KEEP IT SIMPLE! -- I NEVER use the "Seek Hull-down"command because its unreliable. I simply lay down my "Hunt" move order lines to near the top of the crest,then get my eyeball down in the grass with view 1 and 2,and fine-tune the lines by eye.

    I "shoot-and-scoot" sometimes but its nothing to write home about. I also very rarely use the Move to Contact, Human Wave, Advance, Assault orders either because I'm too lazy to try properly figuring out what they do. And I never split my inf squads into two.

    DON'T OVER-MICROMANAGE!--I usually simply tell my boys to "go here, go there" and leave them alone to pick their own targets most of the time, as I don't want to confuse them too much. My file turnaround time averages only about 5 minutes because of my CRISP UNCLUTTERED style, which is why I completed 70 pbem games in only 12 weeks,averaging over 20 on the go at once. Make war as you make love, by being FAST BRUTAL AND DECISIVE,WITH HIGH AMMO EXPENDITURE.

    DON'T GO A FLAG TOO FAR! -- Right from the start, add up their total victory points (300 large,100 small) and decide which ones you want to have. I just usually aim for taking most flag points, not all,as I don't want to spread my boys too thin. Its far easier to take and hold a high-scoring flag group in just one area of the map. But I do make a token effort by trying to walk a single squad or LMG etc up to minor flags. One more thing, NEVER place too much trust in the flag ownership icons and the score readout, or you could get a nasty surprise when the final result screen comes up!

    IF YOU'VE GOT THE SHOT TAKE IT!--I hardly ever bother checking the hit and kill percentages during play. If the line is blue, I usually take the shot. If its not, I don't.

    Never fear to use inhumane violence and overkill, LET THE FEAR BE YOUR ENEMIES! --

    Don't worry what he might do to you, just think about what YOU'RE going to do to HIM. Imagine him as being a door,and don't waste your time leaning on it, just KICK IT IN.


    by Poor Old Spike,retired Rugged Defense cmbb Ladder Leader 2003 (pooroldspike@aol.com)

    I'm an old English grog and am the Commandant of Headshots Battle Academy.

    Nowadays I play for fun against anybody,and also enjoy training newbies how to kill.

    (These notes apply mostly to small exciting fast-moving Cmbb Meetings but will also generally hold good for some other battle types)

    STUDY THE PARAMETERS FIRST!-- Don't play a game you don't want to play. Tell the guy "sorry mate I wouldn't enjoy playing that setup". Then if you both can't agree on parameters DON'T PLAY IT. You'd just be bored. Gaming should be FUN above all else:)

    THINK BIG PICTURE! -- Before the start,and also at points during the game as the situation changes, NEVER LOSE SIGHT OF WHAT YOU MUST DO TO WIN.You MUST therefore play simultaneously with a large-scale Strategic AND small-scale Tactical mindset.There are great Strategic players around,and there are great Tactical players around,but there are relatively few players who are great Strategically AND Tactically,like myself:)

    ARROGANCE IS GOOD! -- The slaughterhouse of the Russian Front is no place for the timid,so make sure you know your units capabilities INSIDE OUT before you set foot on the steppe,to give you that extra smugness,boastfulness and confidence in your ability.Let the other guy be a modest wimp if he wants,not you. ("In peace there's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility,but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger!" - Henry V) I've been playing East Front wargames for a quarter-century and nobody better mess with me,I've been around:)

    DO IT YOUR WAY! -- Buy whatever you like,and play however you like. If your opponent tries to bellyache halfway through the game,or after you've beaten him,just say,"Sorry mate, too late,you should have spoken up before the start about what units and tactics we can or cannot use." Same goes for the sourbelly "reality nuts" on the sidelines who say your style is unrealistic. Ignore them,all they do is talk instead of fighting!

    THIS IS WAR,NOT A DANCE! -- Forget all the longwinded tac articles and AARs about fancy maneuvers, and just play by INSTINCT and COMMONSENSE. We all have the hunting instinct within us, inherited from our caveman ancestors, so ACCESS IT, as we're all NATURAL-BORN HUNTERS. Does a cat have to read tactical articles about how to stalk birds and mice? Of course not, it comes natural!

    FIGHT TIGHT! -- Keep your armour close together in one or two big packs most of the time, or in separate smaller tight groups as the situation changes, rather than spread all over the map in dribs and drabs. And when you move your armour groups,do it as if you're controlling a precision aerobatic team,all moving and fighting tight together,and often use the 6 key top-down view if you need to set absolute movement accuracy.

    CHECKMATE YOUR OPPONENT!--Visualise the map as a simple chessboard. Regard your armour groups as "queens", and try to position them statically so their lines of fire criss-cross the map to hold the enemy in check, by placing them on hills if your tanks are better than his,or in unseen ambush positions peeking around hills or woods.

    LET THE CUSTOMER COME TO THE SHOP! -- Once you're nicely positioned,try to do as little moving as possible,or you might walk into his lines of fire. Far better to let HIM walk into yours.

    KEEP IT SIMPLE! -- I NEVER use the "Seek Hull-down"command because its unreliable. I simply lay down my "Hunt" move order lines to near the top of the crest,then get my eyeball down in the grass with view 1 and 2,and fine-tune the lines by eye.

    I "shoot-and-scoot" sometimes but its nothing to write home about. I also very rarely use the Move to Contact, Human Wave, Advance, Assault orders either because I'm too lazy to try properly figuring out what they do. And I never split my inf squads into two.

    DON'T OVER-MICROMANAGE!--I usually simply tell my boys to "go here, go there" and leave them alone to pick their own targets most of the time, as I don't want to confuse them too much. My file turnaround time averages only about 5 minutes because of my CRISP UNCLUTTERED style, which is why I completed 70 pbem games in only 12 weeks,averaging over 20 on the go at once. Make war as you make love, by being FAST BRUTAL AND DECISIVE,WITH HIGH AMMO EXPENDITURE.

    DON'T GO A FLAG TOO FAR! -- Right from the start, add up their total victory points (300 large,100 small) and decide which ones you want to have. I just usually aim for taking most flag points, not all,as I don't want to spread my boys too thin. Its far easier to take and hold a high-scoring flag group in just one area of the map. But I do make a token effort by trying to walk a single squad or LMG etc up to minor flags. One more thing, NEVER place too much trust in the flag ownership icons and the score readout, or you could get a nasty surprise when the final result screen comes up!

    IF YOU'VE GOT THE SHOT TAKE IT!--I hardly ever bother checking the hit and kill percentages during play. If the line is blue, I usually take the shot. If its not, I don't.

    Never fear to use inhumane violence and overkill, LET THE FEAR BE YOUR ENEMIES! --

    Don't worry what he might do to you, just think about what YOU'RE going to do to HIM. Imagine him as being a door,and don't waste your time leaning on it, just KICK IT IN.


    by Poor Old Spike,retired Rugged Defense cmbb Ladder Leader 2003 (pooroldspike@aol.com)

    I'm an old English grog and am the Commandant of Headshots Battle Academy.

    Nowadays I play for fun against anybody,and also enjoy training newbies how to kill.

    (These notes apply mostly to small exciting fast-moving Cmbb Meetings but will also generally hold good for some other battle types)

    STUDY THE PARAMETERS FIRST!-- Don't play a game you don't want to play. Tell the guy "sorry mate I wouldn't enjoy playing that setup". Then if you both can't agree on parameters DON'T PLAY IT. You'd just be bored. Gaming should be FUN above all else:)

    THINK BIG PICTURE! -- Before the start,and also at points during the game as the situation changes, NEVER LOSE SIGHT OF WHAT YOU MUST DO TO WIN.You MUST therefore play simultaneously with a large-scale Strategic AND small-scale Tactical mindset.There are great Strategic players around,and there are great Tactical players around,but there are relatively few players who are great Strategically AND Tactically,like myself:)

    ARROGANCE IS GOOD! -- The slaughterhouse of the Russian Front is no place for the timid,so make sure you know your units capabilities INSIDE OUT before you set foot on the steppe,to give you that extra smugness,boastfulness and confidence in your ability.Let the other guy be a modest wimp if he wants,not you. ("In peace there's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility,but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger!" - Henry V) I've been playing East Front wargames for a quarter-century and nobody better mess with me,I've been around:)

    DO IT YOUR WAY! -- Buy whatever you like,and play however you like. If your opponent tries to bellyache halfway through the game,or after you've beaten him,just say,"Sorry mate, too late,you should have spoken up before the start about what units and tactics we can or cannot use." Same goes for the sourbelly "reality nuts" on the sidelines who say your style is unrealistic. Ignore them,all they do is talk instead of fighting!

    THIS IS WAR,NOT A DANCE! -- Forget all the longwinded tac articles and AARs about fancy maneuvers, and just play by INSTINCT and COMMONSENSE. We all have the hunting instinct within us, inherited from our caveman ancestors, so ACCESS IT, as we're all NATURAL-BORN HUNTERS. Does a cat have to read tactical articles about how to stalk birds and mice? Of course not, it comes natural!

    FIGHT TIGHT! -- Keep your armour close together in one or two big packs most of the time, or in separate smaller tight groups as the situation changes, rather than spread all over the map in dribs and drabs. And when you move your armour groups,do it as if you're controlling a precision aerobatic team,all moving and fighting tight together,and often use the 6 key top-down view if you need to set absolute movement accuracy.

    CHECKMATE YOUR OPPONENT!--Visualise the map as a simple chessboard. Regard your armour groups as "queens", and try to position them statically so their lines of fire criss-cross the map to hold the enemy in check, by placing them on hills if your tanks are better than his,or in unseen ambush positions peeking around hills or woods.

    LET THE CUSTOMER COME TO THE SHOP! -- Once you're nicely positioned,try to do as little moving as possible,or you might walk into his lines of fire. Far better to let HIM walk into yours.

    KEEP IT SIMPLE! -- I NEVER use the "Seek Hull-down"command because its unreliable. I simply lay down my "Hunt" move order lines to near the top of the crest,then get my eyeball down in the grass with view 1 and 2,and fine-tune the lines by eye.

    I "shoot-and-scoot" sometimes but its nothing to write home about. I also very rarely use the Move to Contact, Human Wave, Advance, Assault orders either because I'm too lazy to try properly figuring out what they do. And I never split my inf squads into two.

    DON'T OVER-MICROMANAGE!--I usually simply tell my boys to "go here, go there" and leave them alone to pick their own targets most of the time, as I don't want to confuse them too much. My file turnaround time averages only about 5 minutes because of my CRISP UNCLUTTERED style, which is why I completed 70 pbem games in only 12 weeks,averaging over 20 on the go at once. Make war as you make love, by being FAST BRUTAL AND DECISIVE,WITH HIGH AMMO EXPENDITURE.

    DON'T GO A FLAG TOO FAR! -- Right from the start, add up their total victory points (300 large,100 small) and decide which ones you want to have. I just usually aim for taking most flag points, not all,as I don't want to spread my boys too thin. Its far easier to take and hold a high-scoring flag group in just one area of the map. But I do make a token effort by trying to walk a single squad or LMG etc up to minor flags. One more thing, NEVER place too much trust in the flag ownership icons and the score readout, or you could get a nasty surprise when the final result screen comes up!

    IF YOU'VE GOT THE SHOT TAKE IT!--I hardly ever bother checking the hit and kill percentages during play. If the line is blue, I usually take the shot. If its not, I don't.

    Never fear to use inhumane violence and overkill, LET THE FEAR BE YOUR ENEMIES! --

    Don't worry what he might do to you, just think about what YOU'RE going to do to HIM. Imagine him as being a door,and don't waste your time leaning on it, just KICK IT IN.

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