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Posts posted by Infid3l

  1. The nice part about it is that it can keep track of the mundane parts of a campaign like supplies. Forming a KG is easy, allowing you to form one from a few nearby units(fun!). The only bad part is that you have to enter all of the combat results manually, which can get sticky when you have one half-strength squad left from a platoon. However, I guess the metacampaigns out there do the same stuff, so maybe someone can come up with something better.

  2. There are some things about it that I didn't like, so I decided to see if I could do a little better. Basically, it looks similar to the fantasy game Ogre Battle. A simple looking area map with the units moving around. When units come close enough, a popup asks if you want to attack, and you select the number/type of platoons from them and others nearby that you want. This is your list to use for a CM qb. Then you select the type of battle you want. I didn't like the idea of having to CM a battle with a depleted unit against a full strength unit with attachments, so there is a choice to use CM (manual) or a simple CRT(auto).

  3. The use of PG2 gave me a similar feel to CC2's campaign, with the added advantage of not being linear. Now, the basics:

    Using a PG editor, you can change the values of any of the units in the game. The main changes were to put movement values to just a few types, like infantry, armor, etc. Supplies and the like are organized along similar lines.

    We changed the time scale somewhat for the battles, with each battle being 30 turns. Each combat was fought on a map made to resemble the terrain from PG2. Size would vary, usually using larger maps to give more room to manuever.

  4. PG2 is very simple, but it is really easy to use for gamey campaigns. The main point for it are that the unit size is battalion, giving a decent size core for battles that are fought in CM. The percentage we used for the units was usually 70 or 80% of full strength, giving a somewhat realistic strength for most units. It would also make battles with large amounts of attached units more manageable. We last ran an edited version of PG2's Winter Storm with the Panzer Divisions starting full strength, and it worked okay.


  5. First, a few disclaimers:

    I am no Grog, so many of the ideas used are not totally accurate. If there is any interest, hopefully JasonC or the rest can help out.

    I am not a very good artist. The last build I made uses mostly pics of miniatures for the units. A good Photoshop guy would be a godsend.

    I am not very skilled at programming. Things that are no-brainers for people like Charles give me fits. A real programmer could bang this out in no time.


  6. I had been using PG2 for generating gamey campaigns for a while, until I lost my regular opponent. Since the game's units are battalions, we would use a 70% operational value for most units, and allow attachments from nearby units when combat would take place. There was a fair amount of bookkeeping for replacements and the rest, but it was a lot of fun. Looking for some greater functionality, I started making a small program to replace PG. If you are interested, I will take some time next weekend to get a new version together, and maybe you can help me get it going. :D

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