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Posts posted by dej2

  1. breaching an obstical

    Breaching is necessary only for obsticals such as; ditch, ditch + wire, barricade, barricade + wire, or wire only. (to utilize this you have to open the unit orders window, click on the "breach obstacle" button and then click on the obstacle marker.)

    breaching a minefield

    Under your SOP (standard Operating Procedures) window you'll have an option to "Cross Minefields at Normal Speed" or "Cross Minefields at Breeching Speed". If you cross at normal speed expect casualties, if you cross at breeching speed your units will move slowly and carefully.

    gl, dej2

    [ November 29, 2003, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: dej2 ]

  2. I understand that the staying power of an armored unit may have its advantages over helicopters but as for which armor unit? The M1A1D or the M2/M3 Bradley? The M1 has much more armor protection and more firepower, but if the M2 had a compliment of 3 ATGM teams (1 TOW and 2 Javlin) wouldn't the M2 be more effective than the M1 against armored units?

  3. 1 Which feature would you instantly add to TacOps given the opportunity? Being able to join online games through the internet. Though playing against people is good, I would also like to play coop games against the computer with a friend.

    2 What aspect of TacOps do you find the most rewarding? I like the aspect of creating real world tactical situations. In traditional "games balancing" removes any real world situations in the name of making the game fare. I rather enjoy having to deal with real world situations. Weather I play the underdog or the champion. Life isn't fare, neither should be simulated battle field conditions.

    3 What aspect of TacOps do you find the most problematic ? Hmmm... I would like to see more than 2 ground elevations, may be the "LOS" (line of sight) could be an updated to shadow areas of the map that the unit can’t see and leave light where the unit can observe.

    4 What area of TacOps do you feel future efforts should be aimed at improving ? I would like to see bridges, tunnels and roads that can be made into rough terrain or impassible terrain if they are bombarded with artillery. Maybe add a dense forest to the map where vehicles cannot pass but infantry can.

    5 In what way does playing TacOps improve your life ? It keeps my mind sharp and relieves stress.

    [ August 20, 2003, 06:02 PM: Message edited by: dej2 ]

  4. Major

    Great Simulation,

    I agree if the “Baghdad Scenario” should be made with all due respect towards both sides of the conflict. Because the American side totally dominates in this scenario, special care should be taken to provide respect in regards to the Iranian people and armed services. The simulation should be made with accurate military information on men and equipment in service with the Iranian Army.

    Since most of the scenarios should be a learning experience, (personal opinion) taking the side of the US in this scenario would not provide a great challenge to the operative.

    The objective of this scenario would be better suited to manage the Iranian Army. To see if by changing tactics, could the operative do a better job at holding off the US Military than Suddam.

    Other scenarios: what if Israel, Iran, and Turkey would have been drawn into the conflict. (What would have happened if France or Germany entered the conflict? What side would they support?) How would this have changed the outcome of any of the battles that occurred during the 2nd Gulf War?

    [ August 01, 2003, 01:25 AM: Message edited by: dej2 ]

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