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Posts posted by rbutturini

  1. I'm sure this is something I overlooked somewhere in the unit database, but I'm too lazy to relook :)

    In a scenario, when you call in close air support, does the type of unit available (AV8, F-16, A-10, etc.) impact the accuracy of the air strike and ability to evade ground fire?

    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. Hello All:

    I may be overlooking something here, but I was wondering if anybody has compiled a chronological list of the scenarios that come with CMBO. I would like to play them in order. CMBB has the dates out next to them, but I don't think there's any way to know the order of scenarios in CMBO without loading each one and reading the opening briefing (and i'm too lazy to do that :). Thanks for any help!


  3. Hello all,

    Just picked this game up...it's great!! My question is, I want to host a network game. However, I have a firewall running in front of my network to protect my small business server. I need to load the appropriate ports into my firewall and router for purposes of forwarding, but can't find what they are. Does anyone know which ports are used in a network game? Thanks for the help in advance.

    Russell Butturini

  4. Hello all:

    I have a firewall constructed in front of my network, in order to protect my small business server. Unfortunately, this is the same network I play TacOps on. I want to play a network game, but don't know the port numbers the game utilizes to load into my router's port forwarding. If anyone out there knows (or maybe Major H read this :) ) and has an answer, I would appreciate it.

  5. Hi all,

    I've been playing TacOps for about 3 months now and first off I want to thank everyone who helped develop this great simulation. Finding games with this combination of replay value, challenging AI, and multiplayer options are a true rarity in this day and time. Maybe if some of the "big" game companies spent more time developing a compotent AI opponent like TacOps has and less time on 3D explosions and surround sound, their games would be worth shelling out $60 for. I had a few questions and comments I hope maybe some other posters can shed some light on.

    I've seen several posts on possible enhancements to the game elsewhere on the board, but I wanted to voice an opinion on some of them. I think a morale system would definitely be a welcome inclusion to the game. While I concede that accurately capturing the degradation of performance that low morale brings is difficult, I think it would be interesting to have some sort of factor to divide between the effect of assault on conscripts and extreme loyalists (e.g. Fedayeen, jihad fighters, etc.). Also, I would like to see more offensive scenarios, and more desert maps/scenarios, not to necessarily represent the Iraqi conflict where our troops continue to bravely serve amongst the dangers of near anarchy, but because the effect of desert terrain on units brings a whole new set of variables into the battle. Just some thoughts on some neat features that could go into the next version. Is there a release date on it yet?

    Also, on an unrelated note, I am looking for good books on military strategy and tactics. It would be nice if I could get them at the library (I'm on the poor college student budget :) ). I recently finished "Strategy" by Hart and am ready to start Hackett's Third World War. If anybody has some suggestions on some good reads, I would appreciate it, especially if they could help out against the Soviet doctorine of the AI opponent in TacOps. I feel like I have a good grasp of the modern day equipment, but am still rough on effective tactical use of it.

    Thanks in advance for all your comments,

    Russell Butturini

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