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Posts posted by Tigre

  1. ok fionn here is the situation,

    for 20 years france was orgenasing a frenchchampionship on regular paper wargammes, we where aech year inbetween 100 and 200 players gathering for the event, and we always played with chess cloks :eek:

    this championship died eventualy and then come cm, old players are now all united again on appuiefeu the french speaking web site, we are now over 500 players ! we are using since the begining of the year an elo systemes based on chess.

    Means that a high ranking playing against a low ranking gets less points if a win and losses more if a defeat ! it also means that if you lose one and win one againts same rankink the result is 0.

    we also included the base victory of cm, total victory gets more points than minor ! this systemes gives much more seriousness to the ladder and keeps the spirit of cm, people who play a lot but loose don't progress in the ladder ...

    when we play tournaments, all players can inscribe unless it's an elite or crack type, then high player can always play in tournaments against very low ranked recruits !

    the idea is to get players of same level to play together and finaly elect best play and real champions (girls will love that) :D !

    we gathered together two weeks ago, and the experience of everybody after two days of struggling was worth of 6 month of pbem.

    when people saw me preparing my stuart move on 5 turn in advance on 5mm timing turn, and the effect was one puma, one panther and a pz4, people understood a lot of the diference of gaming and why like many others in the world I have 85% victory on 100 games !

    and that is important for me to all exchange our experience of our passion smile.gif

    so the idea is to murge all on a WL (world ladder) cross the seas climb the mountains and meet for fun ;)

    we have an estimation of 2000 players of cm ranked on maybe 10 diferent ladders ! if we all agree we could do something really intresting for all :eek:

  2. well I stopped playing on RD because I can't play more than one ladder corectly :(

    the idea is to create a WL world ladder that could make all players share the passion for the game ;)

    we could then meet also and confront ouselves by TCP/IP that is the future of that game that can be very nice to look for a public :D

    we just had the french chmpionnship in paris with 40 players ! 9 games of 1000/1250 in 5mm time :eek: we had the playing of one on the white wall for everybody to look at !

    I think that a systemes based on elo like chess is the key of having a good scoring systemes for CM !

    what do you think

  3. RD scoring systemes has his avantage and his disavantage ! like all other scoring systemes on cm in the world ...

    I play on the french ladder, I have 85% of winn and close to 100 games, but the scoring sytemes is build on the an elo sysyeme (chess like). Then if I play against less ranked people I score much less and lose much more in case of defeat ! this makes people plau against more or less same ranking ! the other systemes we have in our ladder is that the type of victory makes diferent scores on the base the game cm ! total victory will give more points then minor victory ...

    The problem with RD ladder, is that you score the same amount of points being number one if you beat the last or the second :(

    I wish I could play against all the best players in the world, but for that we should have a universal scoring systemes smile.gif I hope one day

    we are working on a english version of oour ladder, for everybody to have a look smile.gif


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