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Posts posted by SolarFire

  1. Originally posted by Dr. Rosenrosen:

    I only have one mod installed and (as far as I know) it is the only one that really affects gameplay instead of just making a visual change to the vehicles, buildings, etc. These are Captain Wacky's gridded terrain mods.

    Go to Combat Mission Mod Database and choose D/L Mods Here. Sort by type, sort by terrain and scroll down to the Gridded Grass, Snow, Steppe, etc.

    This mod imposes a grid of lines across the terrain which really helps a lot to see the changes in elevation very clearly. And it is subtly done so as not to spoil the visual realism.

    Are there other mods that directly affect gameplay?

    Dr. Rosenrosen


    Which ones you actually downloaded ?

    There are gridded mods by two authors "Captain Wacky" and "Strontium Dog".

    Which are the best ones ? and what means "hi res" and "low res" ? Correct me if I'm wrong but you can run CMBB in 640x480, 800x600 (like me), and 1024x768.

    So which ones should I get if I run the game at 800x600 ?

    Thanks in advance.


  2. Hello!

    I just bought CMBB two days ago. It's my first tactical wargame ever played. Not too much knowledge about WW2 stuff either.

    What would you recommend me to read after the manual ? I found a lot of good posts on the forum with some valuable information, but I'd prefer something like the CMBO strategy guide " http://www.chema-cagi.com/combatmission/docs/TIPSRever/Help%20and%20Tips/index.html"

    I don't know which parts of that strategy guide can be worth for playing CMBB instead of CMBO, so if someone could help with that point ...

    Or point me to a CMBB strategy guide.

    Thanks a lot in advance.


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