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Posts posted by bad_person

  1. My apologies -- the post has been deleted.

    I had no idea hex editing single player save games would cause such an uproar; if I would have known better, I wouldn't have posted this.

    But in all fairness, I read a few posts on "cheats" (using the Campaign Editor to create a replica campaign and changing the MPP to 9999) and thought I would contribute my hex cheat. As far as I've tested, this does not work for multiplayers games.

    I really don't think the author should take this personally -- I know of dozens of games that have been "hacked" (I like to call them mods) and have ended up being better because of it, namely the Close Combat series, Steel Panthers, Panzer General series. For example, there were many inaccuracies in the Panzer General series (no fault of the authors -- sifting thru endless piles of WW2 armor tables can be nauseating) but fortunately, there were dedicated grognards creating new equipment files, units, etc., which resulted in a much more challenging and authentic wargaming experience.

    This does not mean that Joe Programmer is now offering a free version of the game; in every mod I've ever seen you still have to have the original game to play.

    I don't think I can recall one mod in the history of gaming that has been perceived negatively by either the gaming community or the author's themselves, and there is no way around it -- you have to "hack" the game.

    Yes, cheating is generally frowned upon by the purists but the fact remains they are popular. 90% of games (regardless of genre) ship with cheat codes.

    I can't recall the poster's name but he put it well, "to relieve a little bit of stress, I like to crank up the war machine and stomp all over the world from time-to-time"

    nuff said...

    [ March 02, 2003, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: bad_person ]

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