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Posts posted by GeneralTaosChicken

  1. Thanks for the info. I know overall the T34 performs pretty good, but I was disheartened to see their shells having no perceivable effect on a Stugs frontal armor.

    After all, sometimes you have to deal with the front of an enemy and at I think 89 points per Stug and like 134 for a T34 it makes the Stug very attractive game wise.

    My experiment had 3 stugs moving toward 6 T34s, also moving, in flat terrain and clear weather. I was trying to maintain a balance and just have the tanks as a factor. Crews had equal ratings too. I also tried to use the T34s speed and out flank the Stugs, but without adequate cover even with twice the tanks the Stugs win easily.

  2. Okay I've just started playing CMBB, coming from playing too much SPWAW which I liked btw.

    Anyway, I've been noticing that my T34s just can't stand up against the Stug with a L/48 cannon. They can score hits but the shells just break off! True, this is frontal. I didn't expect the Stug of 1942 to be that tough. Is it the hardened armor or something?

    I tried an exercise with one platoon of stugs vs two platoons of t34s head on. The Stugs decimated them.

    Can someone tell me if this is pretty accurate historically?

    And if it is so, why doesn't the Stug cost more?


    [ February 18, 2003, 06:18 PM: Message edited by: genaltaoschicken ]

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