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Posts posted by TCPilot

  1. Strange that he'd be on the same side as the atheists of Russia. But I suppouse it's better than the satanist cults of the SS and Gestapo.

    We could just as easily say that Germany should have won WW1. But frankly, any side of any war could have won if they didn't make mistakes. But, people do make mistakes. They don't have the same information as we do or the knowledge of what happened and why. Leaders were plagued with uncertainty and the repurcutions of their decision. I doubt any leader was completely certain of victory.

    Plus, leaders, such as Hitler, were influenced by their own past experiences and opinions, as well as their personalities and their connections and their personal well-being.

  2. "- Poland: Had Germany stopped there and not gone on to invade any other countries, it is most likely hypothesised that the western allies (france, uk) would have had to eventually make peace, as offensive actions into Germany were unsuitable, and arguably unattainable. In essence, Germany would already have 'won' had they stopped."

    The Allies would never have just stopped the war after a few months of inaction.

    - Dunkirk: Hitler's and Runstedt's mistake of letting the B.E.F. slip away is arguably THE biggest mistake of the war. Those men were the cream of the U.K. and went to fight on every front for the remainder of the war. If the BEF was destroyed, the UK, after such a catastrophic loss, would surely have sued for peace.

    Indeed, a truely disastorous decision by Hitler. Of course, if Belgium hadn't suddenly surrendered without informing the Allies, that might have helped.

    - Sealion: Many books have been written on the subject that Germany had no chance succeeding with Sealion. Well, I've read many other books which contend that Germany had a reasonably good chance of succeeding. Many claim the Battle of Britain was 'won' by the British, but the fact is, Germany changed tactics mid-battle, and eventually withdrew most air units to other theaters in the early spring. At no point did the British own the skies above them. What they did is prove to the Germans that they would resist, and keep on resisting. Air Marshal Dowding contended that had the Luftwaffe pressed in destroying the remaining RAF airfields, there would be little to no Air resistance in a cross-channel crossing. Only the RN would be there, and losses to them were expected to be extremely high. Britain had lost most of it's stock in heavy equipment/tanks on the Dunkirk beaches, and the Panzer divisions would have a field day in the plains of southern britain.

    The Germans would never have gotten past the Royal Navy without complete air supremacy. Germany had no landing craft the Kreigsmarine consisted of so few actual warships, that it would costs millions of German lives to subdue England.

    "- Russia shouldn't have been invaded, but even that they were, many times during the invasion itself were opportunities presented for the capture of Moscow. Guderians diversion to Kiev certainly cost the Axis the prize of Moscow. Stalingrad should never have happened. 4th Panzer Armee could have captured it in July had it not been diverted south. the double-objectives of Caucasus and Stalingrad should never have happened."

    And here in lies the catch. If Germany didn't invade the USSR, Stalin would have attacked Germany when the Soviets were finally ready for a war. Either way, Germany was doomed to lose against the Soviets. The diversion to Yugoslavia put Barbarossa off by several weeks. The Japanese's refusal to fight the Soviets was also critical to Moscow's survival in 1941-1942.

    "- North Africa. With 2-3 more divisions, Rommel would have won in 41-42. No problem. UK was hanging on a thread before they came back for vengeance. Taking Malta/Gibraltar=huge. Backdoor open to Caucasus, threatening India, making Turkey even more Pro-Axis."

    Hardly. Rommel could barely keep in supply what he had. How do you suppouse he could do it with another 30,000.

    "- US entry into the war should never have happened. Hitler declared war on them, not vice-versa."

    Again, the same thing with the USSR. The U.S. was fighting a German ally, the U.S. was weak, it's industry wasn't up to the state it was by 1945, and Germany was easily outproducing it.

    "- Peace with the USSR in 1942-43 could have easily happened, and Stalin was considering it until the disastrous Axis losses at Stalingrad, and then Kursk."

    Stalin wasn't going to give Germany peace.

    "- Arguably getting Spain on the Axis side could also have been decisive. The fall of Gibraltar would have made the British situation at Malta and the Suez almost untenable. This wasn't alone enough to win the war, but if the war was limited to UK alone, it would have been."

    Franco would never join the Axis.

  3. Ah chess...

    I'm not very good at it but my high school's chess team is one of the best. It's won conference 9 years in a row, we came 6th in state, and 1st in nationals. Strangely, our top player manages to play through luck, or so he says. He basicly does a move, sees it's bad, then decides to just play one more move. Then he notices something, then another good move, and another and another until he wins. :rolleyes:

    We're a crazy bunch. :D

  4. Well, even if you don't, here I am again. Just started picking SC back up again and played some of the custom campaigns I made. I've also noticed alot of AARs recently, which makes me want to play some SC again online, but with my own campaigns.

    A Challenge to the Greats:

    1940 Total War.

    The war is not going well for Germany. A Soviet suprise attack in early 1940 stalled the blitzkrieg in the West, forcing the Germans to send a large portion of their armies east to face an advancing Soviet onslaught. Warsaw has fallen and East Prussia is under siege. In the Atlantic, the Kriegsmarine's U-Boats have all but been destroyed by the Royal Navy. In France, a bolstered French army and BEF prepare their defenses against a weakened German opponent. The Germans are desperate for reinforcements on both fronts, as civilians are being consrcipted into the Wermarcht. Can you save Germany and the Axis?

    A Challenge to Any:

    2027 Ascension.

    Europe is now under the heel of the European Union, a tyrannically oppressive regime dominated by Germany and Italy. Relations have slowly decayed between them and the American Alliance, a powerful collection of North and South American nations. Suddenly, in July, war erupts between these two great powers as the Russian Empire looks on from the east, waiting to crush their stronger neighbor. Over the course of the next few months, Algeria, Ireland, Portugal, Syria, and Iraq break free from Union domination and join the Americans, allowing their armies to flood into the continent, landing in Norway and Spain, which by September is almost overrun. Who will win this clash of titans? And what of the Empire's plans?

    If you're intrested, I'll send you the campaigns.

    [ August 08, 2004, 02:53 PM: Message edited by: TCPilot ]

  5. *scratches head* Hi, I'm a noob to SC but I've been paying attention to this for awhile. All I can say is...WHO CARES!!!!!!!??? It's a game, if Terif doesn't want to spend hours of his time in front of a computer screen, then let him. If he exploited the system, then let him. Everyone tries to exploit a system, that, along with hard work, is how people succeed. If Zapp wants a game with Terif, just wait until Terif's ready. After all "All good things come to those who wait."

    This argument is really one of the most petty and pathetic I've seen in a long time. This is a forum for SC, not your personal flaming ground. Bury the hatchet, let old dogs lie, time heals all wounds. Just let it go, and let's just end this silly fued now. You're adults, act like one, please stop for a moment and just think about how foolish this all is. It's destroying the game and the community that has supported it for so long.

    Don't ruin it

  6. I don't see how U.S. involvement has any bearing on the Siberian Army transfer. Japan wasn't at war with the Russians until 1945 when Russia declared war on them.

    I also see no real point for the U.S. carrier event. The British and to a lesser extent the French pretty much wipe out the Axis navy.

    [ August 29, 2003, 09:17 PM: Message edited by: TCPilot ]

  7. Yes, I did intend for the fight in both the East and West to have been going on for a small amount of time. I made those Russian units weaker, due to casualties they would have suffered pushing the Germans back, which is reasonable, considering how weak the army was then.

  8. Since I am such a poor SC player, I do not think that I could properly test the campaigns that I have made, so I was wondering if any would be interested in testing/having them.

    The first one is 1940: Total War. A what-if scenario of Russia backstabbing Germany while it's commited in France. It's incredibly hard for Germany to prevail, but I believe it's possible

    Next is 2027: Ascension Part 1 which is basicly a war between Europe and the U.S. Although it is hard to win as the Axis, Terif has been able to beat me in it.

    Finally, 2031: Ascension Part 2 which is basicly a Russian invasion of Europe after the war in Part 1. This one, although old, has not been properly tested either.

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