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Posts posted by Chedchenko

  1. I know what you mean ...this game have a real-time war and strategy , in some situation is not real but almost in all is real ,this game is part of a long series of games of WWII and this one is into the 10 best games...this game is not like medal of honor or battle field 1942 that games r in first person shooter...and sometimes thaT's GAMES lost funny because ever is doing the same thing who you was doing ...but this game is more than that you can drive your army you can do whatever things in this game....and you feel some of power in this game... :cool:

  2. ok,ok we know the sherman like a light tank...but this tank is too fast...more than the heavy and strong tanks of the germans...but that tanks have a problem they r too slow ... well meaby you have 3 or 4 shermans and appear a king tiger or a tiger...or any heaVY TRANk only you have to bring a bassoka and move crawling the men and shoot in the road where r pasing the tank when you do that the tank get inmobilize abut the turret is steal moving to open fire only you have to bring a sherman to behind the enemy tank but of course for another site the left or right and shoot right in fuel tank behind the tank and the tank will explote nobody going to survive to that shot

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