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Go For Delf

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Posts posted by Go For Delf

  1. Yeah, it just seems odd that a HQ can supply 5 other units but it can't supply itself out of the mountains. In the scenario I described earlier - I was forced to use the Italian HQ as a shield to Russian advances trying to retake Iraq. Only one hex connects the two countries so a HQ which can perpetually reinforce itself acts as an effect (but expensive) shield towards advancing forces. I couldn't move my HQ since Iraq doesn't have a port so I had to make do with what I had. Not exactly a recommended strategy.

  2. Jolly Guy: Thanks for the explanation. I didn’t think it was a glitch but I couldn’t figure out why. It seems somewhat odd to have to bring in another HQ to supply an existing one. I understand that the mountain terrain would seriously impede a HQ’s ability to move but being completely immobile seems to be an incorrect way to simulate this. Maybe Hubert should change it so HQs can only move 1 hex at a time in the mountains – that doesn’t seem so far fetched does it?

    Der Panzinator: I don’t really worry about Gibraltar. I purchase all of my Italian units and then operationally move them to France. I then transport them over to Canada and America – there isn’t any real danger from American or British ships since I’ve destroyed them long ago with my wolf pack. I’ve been playing the 1939 scenario but I think I’ll try the 1941 next. Playing with all the different kinds of scenarios is quite fun - Have you tried to occupy every single hex on the map with Axis forces on the expert level before? Quite a challenge!

  3. First time poster – long time eavesdropper. Before I get started, I just want to thank Hubert for making a great game. Also, many thanks to all of the great posters on this board – its made the gaming experience that much more enjoyable.

    I’ve encountered what I think to be a glitch in the game. In my attempts to test out new strategies – I tried invading southern Russia by landing a sizable Italian contingent in Iraq. My thinking was that Iraq is only defended by one corp and that its rich in resources. I also figured that I could easily defeat it and then take the resource rich southern part of Russia. The AI usually leaves sourthern Russia poorly defended and thus ripe for the picking.

    Iraq went down in one turn but then I hit a potential glitch. While my Italian tanks and troops moved into southern Italy – the game would not allow me to move my Italian headquarters from Iraq into Russia. Has anyone encountered this before? I tried this tactic on two other games and I keep on hitting the same glitch.

    As an aside, I also tried something the other night that I don’t think anyone else has messed around with yet – at least I haven’t read about it yet. I’ve been tinkering with maximizing the use of the Italian forces. Germany can usually handle the Russians going toe-to-toe and usually help out in the Atlantic with subs but that’s about it when considering expending MPPs. Eventually the British and American forces, with the help of advanced air fleets, can make a serious run at France via D-Day or other successive French invasion attempts. My goal was to somehow neutralize the British threat and American forces by only using the Italians. What I call the Italian Gambit:

    1. Invade Canada with 4 Italian Corps and a HQ on the first turn that American declares war. This puts a sizable dent in the already low MPP production of the Brits.

    2. Send the Italian troops and HQ in Canada to occupy the northern tip of the United States. This should drop British MPP production to 110 per turn.

    3. Send two tank groups and another Italian HQ to occupy the southern tip of the United States. This will drop the American MPP production to 80 MPPs per turn

    4. Use German subs to patrol the North Atlantic to snuff out any shenanigans that the Allies might be trying to pull.

    5. Put all remaining Italian MPPs into jet research and purchasing jets to put in Canada. Then just pound America with your jets to keep her in check.

    What does all of this accomplish you ask? American MPP production drops to a pathetically low 80 MPPs per turn – this is barely enough to sustain her existing forces, let alone building an invasion force. The Brits are in a slightly better position with MPP production of around 110 per turn. The Brits are able to purchase a few air fleets and develop them through research but they aren’t able to do much of anything else. By tying down the Allies in the Atlantic with an almost exclusive Italian strategy (plus a few German subs), the Germans are able to focus solely on Russia. This allows Germany to quickly (relatively that is) defeat Russia and then focus all of her energies on invading England. I’ve found this to be quite an effective tool that enables the Axis to have a quick victory.

    I know that this gambit is historically inaccurate and unlikely but that’s one of the reasons I like attempting it. Throws a wrinkle into the game.

    Well, if you’ve read this far, I can only hope that I had something interesting to share. Thanks for indulging me.

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