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Posts posted by cruzzer

  1. Hi JerseyJohn

    Very intertesting writing. Good, accurate view of events and thoughts before the war really happened, as many people dont know most of the things that went on behind the scenes in 37, 38 and 39. One thing though, you say give Portugal to UK as a minor ally, but you forget that since 1933 Portugal was a facist country with Salazar as dctator and strong ties to Hitler and Germany, just like Franco and Spain. While Franco assured Hitler he would join the war sometime (always "soon, but not now"), Hitler understood that Portugal would always remain neutral (although she sold wolfram and other raw materials and bread and such to Hitler, she allowed the allies to use the Azores for an air base against u-boats). However, she would never join "england's" war as Salazar did not care much for the "oldest alliance in euorpe". Im Portuguese (and American) and have read and heard from my father and mother and uncles and family about the situation here in 39-45.

    Its not a big deal, but just thought that if your going for realism, gotta go all the way. (Pisses me off that a HUGE port like Lisbon is represented in SC).

  2. We should have a general concensus about the italian gambit (pre-emtive taranto invasion) - I dont think that a game glitch should be allowed to be exploited. Could we have an agreement that ladder games will exclude this cheesy move?? :confused:

    I dont think its a part of these type of games, if its allowed it degrades the game, becuase you will play axis knowing that taranto WILL be invaded and the italians will be in trouble from the beginning, and there is no defense against it.

    Maybe we should ask Hubert to add a patch that a coutry that is declared war upon is allowed to place its units? That would also take care of preplanned invasions that the invader already knows the setup?

    just my 2 cents


    [ February 11, 2003, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: cruzzer ]


    We should have a general concenus about the italian gambit (pre-emtive taranto invasion) - I dont think that a game glitch should be allowed to be exploited. Could we have an agreement that ladder games will exclude this cheesy move?? :confused:

    I dont think its a part of these type of games, if its allowed it degrades the game, becuase you will play axis knowing that taranto WILL be invaded and the italians will be in trouble from the beginning, and there is no defense against it.

    Maybe we should ask Hubert to add a patch that a coutry that is declared war upon is allowed to place its units? That would also take care of preplanned invasions that the invader already knows the setup?

    just my 2 cents


  4. sorry, forgot to report cruzzer (allies) loses to DalmatiaPartisan (axis), with bid of 175

    bad moves all around, lost almost entire fleet in bad battles, lost game at fall of france with 2 BEF corps and canadian army getting butchered while drinking champagne around reims, with no way to get off mainland. lousy brits - always going off to france for some vino and forgetting how to get home.

  5. terif beat cruZZer twice, leaving me in a corner licking wounds and shedding my pride in the process

    game 1 - cruzzer axis - bid 175

    game 2 - terif axis - bid 175

    surrended both games before 1942 after humiliating myself in feeble attempt as axis and even worse as allies. gotta practice, i hate losing like that.

  6. First let me say that ive been having a great time playing, SC is really a great game.

    As a strategic tactical game it excels, as a representation of WW2 it falls a bit short - ive seen this stated many times, and while this is something we have to live with, there are a few things that make no sense. :confused:

    A favorite allied move is to invade portugal - with no reaction from spain. this is something that would never happen. as soon as allied troops landed in portugal spain (a neutral ally of germany) would mobilze and call for german help. this would allow the germans to setup before an overwhelming allied force was built up in and around portugal

    maybe its just a pet peeve, but even 3R had some restictions that made sense and added a little more historic flair to the gameplay.

    Also - north africa is a waste of time in this game - there is no room to maneuver or do anything except for algeria and iraq - defintely needs a little work


  7. Originally posted by Bill Macon:

    Ever since Third Reich PC was released in 1994, with its disappointing AI and other code limitations, I've been waiting for a worthy successor to come along. I also tried Clash of Steel, but wasn't impressed. Despite 3R's truly abstract attrition and exploitation rules, it plays remarkably well. The map is excellent, the units are adequate, and the economic model is good.

    SC could easily pick up where 3R left off. The turn scale permits greater resolution for Poland, France and other short campaigns. The additional air and naval units and HQs provide more game play options and a more realistic feel. And the research and diplomacy (similar to A3R) will be great additions. It's just frustrating that the SC map looks plain, the units too basic, and the whole economic model and seasonal turns abstraction being difficult to appreciate.

    I totally agree. 3R, besides having bad AI, plays very very well - the map is very nice, and although combat is very basic (defender eliminated almost always at 2-1 or better), the use of defense air (breaking up of air units) is very useful. SC seems to me as a (sucessful) combination of 3R and PG/AG. Just some minor tweaks to make this a truly great game.

    BTW what is A3R that you mentioned?

    [ January 08, 2003, 07:28 AM: Message edited by: cruzzer ]

  8. I downloaded the demo yesterday and think this is a great game - good evolution from 3R. but where are the airborne units? Or maybe some kind of AIR transport? that would be more realistic and very nice option. even at this scale, airborne is a possiblity and a historical fact. look at the airborne in 3r - corps size units with a good air transport range.

  9. Hello all, i am new to SC but am a long time player of Pg, Ag, 3R, Risk, etc etc tongue.gif . I have just downloaded the game yesterday, i think its really really good - a combination of 3r and Pg/Ag, something i had hoped would appear :D .

    my question is whats the difference between the demo and real game? is the upgrade worth it? i dont mind paying the $25 as long as its worth it.



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