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Posts posted by Kryzith

  1. The story of the angry little appliance technician. PART 1

    It was a friday afternoon when our favorite little tech was in the process of installing a new 50 gallon hot water heater with heat recovery for a wealthy couple in Ft. Lauderdale. Everything was going smooth, our hero was going along at a feverish pace trying to complete the job so that he could have some time to rest before the Hockey game he was attending that night.

    He finished connecting the electric with about 2 hours before they drop the puck. Things were looking good. Then the evil customer reared her plastic face. She had noticed a tiny scratch on the top of the water heater. Our favorite tech tried explaining to her that it was VERY hard not to make scratches when tightening copper nipples to the top of the Water Heater. The evil one then demanded one hundred dollars be taken off of her bill (For your information this couple lived in a multi-million dollar home on the intercoastal).

    Our hero was astonished. He politely explained to her that there was no way he was taking off a hundred dollars for a tiny scratch. He told her he would run to the Local hardware store and pick up some touch up paint. This seemed to appease her. One hour later our hero returned with the paint. He was getting nervous because the game was going to start in an hour. He took a deep breath and fixed the tiny scratch. He called out the plastic woman and showed her his masterful work, but the balding middle-aged husband of hers followed her out too. He began a fifteen minute tyrade on how our hero had done such a poor job, and that a true technician would not have scratched the tank in the first place.

    Our hero was getting very upset by his ignorant, thoughtless comments. Then when the ignorant customers were finished with their tyrade the male let out two more small but horribly effective comments "Thats what we get for letting scum in the house", and "We are not paying anything for this water heater". That is when our hero sprang into action. He picked up his trusty pipe wrench and bounced it off the ignorant mans skull. Our hero then grabbed the man by his hair, dragged him over to the drain valve by the hot water heater, and smashed it open. The one-hundred and twenty-five degree water sprayed the ignorant man's face severly burning him. Our hero then turned his attentioni to the plastic woman. Like a cat jumping at a beam of light he sprang at her. He wrapped his hands around her neck and squeezed as hard as he could. He hardly noticed the cracking sounds of her neck being ripped off of her spinal cord.

    After realizing that his job was now finally complete he jumped to his feet with a big smile on his face. He gathered his tools, and loaded his truck up. He drove away, and luckily he was able to make the second and third periods of the game.

    So let this be a lesson to all, be kind to your service man. He takes S**t all day long. Dont piss him off.

    Our hero will return next week with another amazing tale.

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