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Posts posted by Genghis

  1. Finished my full campaign til May 1947 as the Allies (Axis set to beginner, +0 mod): Won major victory but at -50VPs. Just took too long and suffered enough casualties.

    1) Tech tree definitely advancing faster. I'm not having to put in as many points as I used to to get higher tech.

    2) Again much more agressive Axis AI which is good

    3)no crashes (yay!)

    Going to try it again as the Allies but with a different approach.

  2. I'm playing the solo 1939 default campaign setting with Computer as the Axis AI and set at beginner level with no bonus skill points and Fog of war active.

    The current game turn is Feb 1942 and the US has just entered the war.

    Here are some quick observations in terms of computer play as opposed to other previous SC versions:

    1)AI is definitely more aggressive at beginner level. It actively has been exploiting holes and has been relentless on attacks. This is especially true on the Eastern front. AI is using his armor in doing more exploiting than before although it sometimes leaves his armor vulnerable to being surrounded and eliminated. Hmmm is this rash or bold on the part of the AI?

    In previous versions, I noticed the AI only attacked Russia half heartedly (despite all settings) and never pursued aggressive tactics.

    2)DOW by Axis powers on Denmark and Low Countries was relatively swift (i.e. within 1 or 2 turns after Poland falls) though Denmark didn't get conquered til after France fell in July 1940.

    In many of my other games, the Axis would not often attack the Low Countries until a year later it seems which was very odd.

    3)Rumania, Hungary, and Bulgaria all allied with the Axis following the Fall of France in July 1940. Italy DOW against France in June 1940

    Finland DOW against Russia on 2nd turn after Germany declares war on Russia in July 1941.

    Will to continue to play til the end but so far the only weakness I see is that the AI isn't putting a lot of effort in naval transport activities in fortifying North Africa.

    Also the North Atlantic Uboat campaign came to a quick end in the 2nd turn of the game.

    Overall a certainly much more enjoyable game in this version.

    No crashes or bugs yet.

    [ May 12, 2003, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

  3. JerseyJohn -

    Hehe you know I find it amazing that the French have no problems standing up to the Brits and Americans but when it comes to them dealing with despots and dictators...they seem to always bend over backwards to appease them.

    What's also amazing is all these protesters are picking on the US as the bad guy here. Where are all the protesters against Saddam Hussein and Iraq?!?!?

    Not to stray too far off topic here but I think we should have just let Russia conquer all of Germany and France in WWII.

    With the USSR collapsing in 50 years, the US could just move in and pick up the pieces. Not like France was really a US ally anyways after WWII tongue.gif

    [ February 17, 2003, 12:05 AM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

  4. Shaka - I just feel that some restrictions need to be placed on the Allies in 1939-1940 when it comes to DOW on other countries.

    If nothing else, this should better simulate Allied unpreparedness for the war in meeting the German army head on.

    I'm not against rewarding players from trying different tactics to stem the German tide though.

    Far from it, I think a player who can overcome these Allied restrictions will be the better player.

    Fubarno - ah that's too bad. maybe in SC2, there would be a chance for that air unit to survice and reach England.

    [ February 16, 2003, 03:23 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

  5. JerseyJohn - Thanks hehe. Women do make better generals only because they can run rings around men in relationships AND they are really good at scheming too :D

    Brad - Aye I realize that a global map would stretch the game out. But if done correctly, it shouldn't be that bad.

    I'm willing use the same research tables and automated diplomacy if it means keeping it simple.

    I just want to see that Chiang Kai Shek or MacArthur HQ. :cool:

    Seawolf - Cool I like those ideas on intelligence!

    [ February 16, 2003, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

  6. I haven't tried to Dutch gambit yet but will definitely do so next game.

    There really should be a game restriction though preventing the Allies from declare war on them.

    I'm currently in my first PvP game of SC as the Axis and the Allied player operated the Polish airforce into England and the Allies declared war on Italy like on turn 3 which is really interesting.

    BTW, is there even a chance that the Polish air force in England could survive even though Poland falls?

    I was surprised that the Allies were even able to relocate that fighter to Britain.

    [ February 15, 2003, 07:55 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

  7. Hi all!

    I'm back hehe.....been involved in other real life things (among others..trying to go out with a girl hehe) tongue.gif

    Unfortunately love is that never ending game that you can never undo moves or save or restart over.

    She isn't into SC and her idea of a great movie is "divine Secrets of the Ya-ya sisterhood"...GROAN...UGH!

    Give me "Band of Brothers" or "We were Soldiers"

    Anyways, I'm now playing SC head to head and it's definitely more fun.

    I like the idea of having SC2 being more HiCom in terms of more political/technological intrigue but still remain somewhat easy.

    I never played HOI but I hear it's very involved and too much micro managing which is what I don't care for.

    I do agree that players in SC2 should have some input as to how a country joins.

    I'm not going to hash over what was said again but the idea of spending political points to influence a country's joining either side would make the game quite interesting.

    Also what about espionage in SC2 or is that too tactical of a subject? I was thinking opposing countries could try to sabatoge tech research or maybe steal research.

    Finally, I'm dying for a Pacific theater combined with ETO.

    I can already taste those sweeping naval battles smile.gif

    [ February 15, 2003, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

  8. JerseyJohn -

    Aye agreed that it's very difficult for ordinary citizens to control the actions of their own government.

    But I was trying to say is that if people wanted to blame or cast doubt on the US for the bombings, they should be condemning Japan as well.

    As for taking this forum back to What Ifs in SC, Has someone did a mod with the US trying to invade a German dominated continent in 1943-1944 without the UK nor the USSR as a staging base?

    This assumes UK fell in 1940 easily or was taken over by Quislings.

    Africa would be somewhat split historically with the Brits controlling Suez still or at least Free french/Free Brit units.

    I'd give the US a heck of a lot of money and see how far they can go into Europe or at least liberating some countries.

    Should be fun

    [ January 26, 2003, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

  9. While not trying to be insensitive to those civilians that suffered from those A Bomb blasts....The Japanese people really have to blame their own government.

    Dropping the bombs was the correct decision to end the war as quickly as possible and save hundred of thousands of American lives.

    To those who think dropping the bomb on Japan was barbaric, they should try to think what life was like under Japanese occupation in SE Asia and China from 1937 to 1943!

    They certainly weren't the victims then when they were pillaging the Far East and running around with victory fever in 1941!

    Japan should have immediately sued for peace in May 1945 when Germany surrendered.

    But they gambled and lost by trying to drag out the war. Those fanatical Japanese army generals wanted to fight to the end and hoped for Soviet mediation.

    Sorry I digress from SC tongue.gif

    My family suffered under Japanese occupation in China during the late 30's so naturally I have a strong biased here.

    To me there should be no debate at all at a national "moral" level. To me the choice is pretty clear.

    [ January 25, 2003, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

  10. JerseyJohn -

    Aye I'm already to check into that VA hospital room you mentioned earlier. But do they have a place fit for an emperor? tongue.gif

    Oh and I want a queen by my side (no one fancy...maybe Kirsten Dunst or Denise Richards yummy) hehe


    What boggles my mind is how pro Axis leaders such as Chandra Bose (National India Army) or the Grand Mufti in Jerusalem actually believed Japan and Germany were truly their liberators?

    I just can't believe how ignorant these people were into thinking that the Axis powers were going to grant them their freedoms.

    [ January 21, 2003, 08:49 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

  11. Aye I just hate using gamey tactics considering now I know how powerful shore bombardments are.

    Even though it's fun blowing away panzer corps along the Black sea tongue.gif

    If I'm defending France from seaborne invasion, I wouldn't bother putting units on coastline hexes where they can be touched by BB or CA units.

    Liam/JerseyJohn -

    I'm not even sure how effective shore bombardment was even in France on D-Day 1944. I think all it did was to create smoke and haze and allow at least some protection for the Allies when they landed.

    Certainly on Omaha beach, the Allies just got killed on the beaches where the BB's and CA's artillery just overshot the beach defenders and hit harmlessly in the bocage countryside.

    DD's had to come in and shoot at bunkers at point blank range in several cases.

  12. I'm not sure exactly what the German garrison requirements are since I haven't played them yet hehe.

    But I'm also wondering if it's possible for Germany to declare war on the Baltic states first and move in.

    Will Russia enter the war if germany does declare war on the baltic states in 1939?

  13. Had to bring this old topic again since I was thinking about the effectiveness of shore bombardment in SC. While playing the Russians, it was too easy to destroy whole armies on the Black sea and in the baltic.

    I do agree with most views expressed here that it's way too effective in destroying units.

    Ships should be able to only lower the entrenchments and/or lower readiness of units by killing off supply.

    Anyone else have any ideas?

  14. Well it was certainly a good thing that Hitler never really understood naval matters much.

    The German Z plan should have had the German navy ready by 1946 or so with all their surface raiders/battleships and subs ready for action.

    The navy just wasn't ready in 1939 for all out war.

    I think the Germans were planning to build some super battleships as well exceeding Bismark and Tirpitz capacity.

    Course I think I am repeating what was already said again hehe.

    Liam -

    You can be my henchman/lacky when I become the world's benevolent dictator smile.gif

    My organization will resemble SPECTRE like in those early Bond movies.

    [ January 19, 2003, 10:16 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

  15. I forgot who said "If you kill one person, you are a murderer; if you kill a million, you are a conquerer!" but it's a good quote


    Aye my grandaddy was too soft hehe....he should have conquered all of Europe and Britain.

    I could now be sitting on the throne of England with power over billions....MUWHAHAHAHAAHA!

    Everyone would be forced to pay me tribute and I'd be adored by millions of women! :D Sorry getting carried away LOL!

    But alas fate would have it that I'm just a burned out wargamer, sitting alone, poor, and womanless.

    I just play numerous games of SC and contemplating what could have been :D

    I guess I should write a book called the Pathetic legacy of Genghis in the 21st century tongue.gif

    [ January 19, 2003, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

  16. oops I forgot to tie all this into SC.

    But well maybe the next SC editor will allow ancient style warfare on a strategic level like Ancient Europa (like the WWII Europa board game series except starting with Alexander the Great and ending with the Roman Empire)

    [ January 17, 2003, 01:09 AM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

  17. ahem oh man this topic has mutated beyond all recognition hehe.

    I'll try to tie all this into SC somehow :rolleyes:

    Heuristic - I believe Xerxes was claimed to have a million man army but those are Greek sources...I think he had no more than 250,000 people in his army which a lot were probably camp followers and other non-combatants.

    JerseyJohn - well can't let you say the name Ghenghis Khan without me say something about him as I happened to be his great great great great great great grandson smile.gif


    But Ghenghis Khan almost nearly destroyed Islam. He came very close in occupying Baghdad and parts of the middle east. Talk about what repercussions that would have had today.

    Guess my grandaddy just got too soft in his old age smile.gif

  18. Ok well just tried playing 2 different Communist vs Capitalist scenarios.

    Aye USSR has to be made a surrendered county to the Axis if it's to be Allied with Germany.

    Also Poland has to be surrendered to Germany. Otherwise you get the message "Russia occupies eastern Poland" appears even though Russia is conquered, it screws up the German occupied cities in Russia by reducing all them by 1 MPP each.

    Right now it's a boring stalemate along the Franco/German border so trying to figure out a way to break the deadlock. I might make Turkey and Greece Allied to begin with.

    I did have fun renaming all the German units though (i.e. Karl Marx Tank Group, Battleship Frederich Engels etc)

    If anyone knows any famous german Communist names let me know so I can put them on the units


    JerseyJohn - I heard that the kaiser's Son served in the Army til Hitler forbade any members of the former kaiser's family from serving in the military. Not sure if he wanted to have any big name monarchists to die in the war.

    [ January 15, 2003, 03:28 AM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

  19. Well if no one has done it yet..I'll create a 1939 mod with germany and Russia allied versus France, UK, and US.

    Not sure if Italy will be allied to UK or Germany still. Italy might have easily gone Communist too back in the 1920's.

    I'll give the US much more MPP's to work with to help offset the huge Russian advantage.

    Can I change a neutral county's chances of joining either side? Can this be done in the editor?

    This should be a fun game to play.

    JerseyJohn -

    Agreed..if Hitler wasn't around..another crackpot probably would have emerged in all the post WWI chaos in Germany. one thing was for sure though..I doubt the Hohenzollerns (aka the Kaiser) would have ever come back.

    [ January 13, 2003, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

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