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Posts posted by Slater

  1. Originally posted by Lou2000:

    Will there be any change to the campaign structure of the game ?

    As its the same game engine I doubt it, but the ability to carry forward units from battle to battle would be excellent.

    If it could be done being able to import all one sides 'servicable' units from a saved game and then use remaining points to top-up would make a good addition to the campaing play.

    I'am suprised nobodys mentioned this yet, this is the main feature I want please consider it BFC
  2. Dear BFC please may I have the following:

    1. An option to turn a time limit in the orders phase, I enjoy it in Tcp/ip so why not put a option in SP

    2.When gun crews abandon there gun because of heavy fire and route I would like to order the crew to man it again after they recover, I dont know weather this one could work but could be nice

    3.Gurkas!!!!!!!! :D

    4.Better operations and possibly a campign

    5.big sand worms that come out the sand and eat your tigers :eek: , mayby not realistic but would be fun

    I've been good all year smile.gif

    these are just Ideas nobody else has mentioned I want all the others mentioned too PLAESE!!

    [ April 05, 2003, 01:52 AM: Message edited by: Slater ]

  3. whoooo Iam getting giddy like a little girl, this is a nice suprise considering I wasnt accepting a new Cm game till 2004 at least

    one Q though,north afrika and the pacific theatre are the fronts that I've not really looked into but Iam guessing that desert warfare is simaler to the steppes on the eastern front which I generally find bores me will the open desert be the focus for most of the scenarios?or will they be as varied as CMBB.


    Ash Slater

    Edit: To say well done to BFC for bringing a new CM while working on the new engine I've already started to fill my piggy bank

    [ April 04, 2003, 08:16 PM: Message edited by: Slater ]

  4. I thought the game was broken it was so hard :mad: and iam sure I can say that most of the vets took a few good beatings in the two demo scenarios as for your Q I too took advantage of the armour as the large open spaces arent ideal for conscript infantry but I found small advances from cover to cover while useing covering fire worked fairly well , Once close enough try and gain fire Superiority by going through all your squads and making sure there shoting at something prefbly at the germans but assaulting the flags was where i often got stuck mayby someone can fill in, I aint no tactician but thats the way I went to archive some sucess smile.gif

  5. Originally posted by Sgt. Schultz:

    If BFC stays in WWII, I hope they put the whole magilla in one game, East, West, and Med. 39-45 all three fronts.

    you got my vote, even if it used the current engine suped up a bit it would be worth the wait, two years though, I could be hit by a bus next week and never see a CM3 :eek:

    dont know if I could live with that!

  6. Originally posted by Dr. Rosenrosen:

    I like both those ideas for scenarios. I'm not sure what you mean about "outside the box" though. Are you referring to smaller engagements with more dramatic context in the briefings? What "regular scripts" are there that your ideas deviate from?

    Dr. Rosenrosen

    Hi Dr.Rosenrosen,

    What I mean when I say outside the box and regular script is that most scenarios when striped down are one of the four Assault,Attack,probe and ME I'am not saying that this is bad but you could make Scenarios such as the couple of one's I described hence "Thinking outside the box" and yes the briefing would have a lot to do with it, like I said above the possibilitys are endless smile.gif

  7. I'am far from a scenario designer or at least a good one but I'am always thinking up what I think to be good ideas for scenarios, what I'am getting at is why is no one designing scenarios outside the regular scripts, an example: an elite platoon of pioneers attack a weakly protected bridge at night and maybe take out some bunkers or maybe a partisan group attacking a garrison of sleeping german troops who recently took there villege the possibiltys are endless, they dont have to be historical but I'am sure a good scenario designers could make them a lot of fun, it could be worth a look into anyways.

  8. Its truly great this community eh :D , thanks to all you guys that offered to send cds and help me out my E-mails down for a couple of hours ( damn hotmails useless ) but I'll be checking my mail soon as its back up and I'am sure I can sort something out with one of you, again thanks to all I wasnt purposely asking for all this great help I just needed to moan and then to Receive all the offers was a great surprise its like Xmas all over again, anyway sorry to go on just had to say big thanks to all this is a great weight of my shoulders smile.gif

  9. ok ok this isnt really important to any of you here but I need somewhere to moan. I just had crash on my pc two weeks ago ( First ever on this PC) and so I 've lost close to 700mb of mods maps patches for both CMBO and CMBB which I've been collecting since CMBO on a very poor and very very slow 56k modem and gotter admit Iam a mod addict, If only they had help lines for such things :( . oh well thats ma moan i just had to get out, I'am of shopping now for some of those bran spanking new mods I've missed

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