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Lance Runolfsson

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Posts posted by Lance Runolfsson

  1. There is clearly an optimum way to build experience. I can never get any of my units past 1 experience with out them being so weak that they are tactically useless. Yet the AI manages routinely to have units maxed out on experience that are powerful in strength as well. Maybe the deal is that you have to repeatedly make attacks against weak units where you will inflict but take no casualties yourself? I think Rambo has this cracked there are some tantalizing references to his having very experienced units in some of his posts.

  2. How do you decide whether to reinforce a unit or not? The best I can tell an 8 strength unit with one experience bar is probably close to as good as a 10 strength unit with no experience. Has anyone figured out what the real break point is between experience and strength? Or have any handy algorithms that help to decide how many time to click that reinforcement button?

  3. A lot of really good points put in an incredibly obnoxious way:^) I've only played the demo yet the game is on order but I can see a lot of what your saying and agree with all of it in particular.

    Counter attack in France only if your line is broken and the the CA will result in a restored line with enough strength to hold.

    Does any body actually move naval out of the Med as Allies? What would the point be in trying to force the Denmark straight?

    Writing the names of units down and their deployment positions, simple, tedious but brilliant. Anal retentive behavior is the hallmark of the Super Competitor sorry to say it works:^)

    Know the rules, sometimes hard with computer games a lot of the mechanisms can be pretty opaque and I sometimes wonder if the manuals were written by anyone who knew anything about the final version. I haven't seen the manual for SC yet so I'm not sure what it's like.

    Bottom line sounds like playing Rambo would be a lot of work.

  4. Wild guess but possibly the establishment of Vichy was a precondition made by the French for surrendering. The option should maybe not be for Vichy or no Vichy it should be for accepting surrender or not. If surrender is not accepted no Vichy But there is no reason not to accept the surrender under these circumstances. Another point related to this discussion is what should happen when anyone surrenders. For instance the Dutch did not in effect surrender Queen Willamina was spirited off to London to establish a government in exile which still controlled the Dutch East Indies until they were over run by the Japanese. Similar may have happened with other countries but I can't say for sure. Merchant Marine and Naval elements from all of the over run minors did operate under RN control after their homes were occupied. Ground troops as well, the Poles contributed significant ground troop manpower to the British after having served with the French before the fall of France all minors provided air crew as well. So it might easily be argued that the Brits should get a small amount of "plunder" as the minors fall to Germany:^)

    [ December 22, 2002, 02:40 AM: Message edited by: Lance Runolfsson ]

  5. This is a really great game and I am looking for more like it. Shouldn't be too hard with the same engine to do WWI and Nato V Warsaw Pact versions. I am sure I am not the only guy that would buy them all even with SC 2 coming out my check is in the mail for the original full version.

    Some Features I'd like to see

    1] Turn number count down 1 of 20, 2 of 20 etc. I know it displays the date but I don't want to figure it out. I just want to know what turn it is and how many are left.

    2] Since the game function bar is blank when a unit is selected why not display all the unit / hex info there allowing more map to be visible.

    3] Make it possible in Human vs AI games to switch sides and or temporarily deactivate AI to player control during a turn. The advantage to this is that a player can intervene on the AI's behalf when it is doing something egregiously stupid. Also would be able to make war declarations to amuse ones self, etc. There are a few games that have this feature it is useful.

    4] AI needs some sort of scripting to advance on unoccupied objectives. It is currently possible to leave important objectives undefended. If the only AI unit that can get there is it self defending an objective. Even if there are no Human units that can get to the objective that the AI must abandon before the human objective is occupied.

    5] Sort of related to the above the AI needs to be better at creating threats. IE often if in the Demo scenario Paris is undefended it would be a disaster for the (Human) Allies if even a small AI unit would advance on Paris from Italy as it stands the AI is fixated on the Southern French Port City and retaking any Italian towns occupied by the Allies.Often the AI will not go for Paris once the line is breached and will screw around for a turn killing units it does not have to, Allowing the line to be restablished.

    6] Maybe a player should have to commit to building big stuff like ships a turn or two in advance and pay in installments. Actualy it should take many months for Capitol ships.

    7] Maybe there should be a chance that Nations currently Neutral should mobilize if too much potentially hostile stuff gets on their borders. Player not posing the threat controls the units but may not attack or move beyond borders.

    8] Increase movement for all naval even a slow convoy zigzagging should be able to do 4NMPH that = something like 18 hexes a one week turn a battle ship doing 18 NMPH should be able to go any where on the map in a week.

    9] The problem with the proximity of N. America to Europe could be fixed with a mid Atlantic line of hexes that cost extra movement.

    10] I think it would be better if naval transports were actual units.

    More later I am sure

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