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Posts posted by viper_ss

  1. I actually don't mind the units reinforcing back. If you surround the unit then they can only reinforce back to a 5. Most other instances, the unit can only reinforce back to an 8 unless they are in their home country. Russia is really the only beneficiary of this. Russia should probably need to trace a line to the east side of the board and if not, units in a city should only receive a 5 supply. This would limit them to an 8 max.

    One benefit of units reinforcing is the attrition that you're winning. Sometimes I delibrately pound a city to a 1 and then have them rebuild up. You might lose a 1 or 2 which is only 10 MPP but they have to spend around 40 MPP. A cheesy tactic but it works in those no honor battles. :D

    I do agree though that the supply rules need a little tweaking for non-supplied units in the open. For one, I don't think they should be able to conquer a city behind the lines. You can't just drop in to a city, pop in to McDonald's and suddenly 50,000 men or sustained.

  2. They should just make the western allies (USA, UK) MPPs as one. This would alleviate the minor countries relying on the UK and the transferring of MPPs between the two (since this is not currently supported).

    Of course ideally they should eventually support the transferring of MPPs and the tracking of neutrals.

  3. I like the suggestions but I think it is a question of historical vs. hypothetical. The US didn't have rockets but what if?

    I think maybe the research category could have an option like diplomacy where you could make it historical or the current method.

    One note, is it me or can you not transport rockets? Basically the US cannot buy rockets because they cannot get them anywhere. I just want clarification that it's not me. tongue.gif

  4. I think I'm just an average player but I have found the game pretty balanced. I admit I've only played 1 person and the AI the rest of the time but I have never lost as the Allies. In a matter of fact, I have never gotten past mid-44' with the Allies. I have yet to play +2 against the AI, so I'll try that later.

    I think in order to win with the Allies, you cannot follow the historical path. You need to invade Iraq, Portugal, etc. Side strategies help give you the base MPP boost needed to counter the Axis. I could be wrong, but maybe a lot of players are taking too passive a stance as the Allies (waiting for the US, ect.). I think if you play the Allies actively (I don't mean launching monster offensives in 41') with little probes here and there, you will be much more successful.

  5. kenfedoroff

    I like your idea of SAC disrupting operational movement (simulating the bombing of railroads, etc). Maybe any unit that is SAC bombed cannot operate the next turn.

    I'm not to sure about the air superiority ratio and it affecting movement. I think for one, it would be too difficult for players to track, having to calculate the ratio and its effect on movement. Also, if you really had 4 SAC to your opponent's 1 fighter, you pretty much could bomb the crap out of them especially if you added your operational movement and my supply reduction rule.

    Good idea though on the operation movement reduction. smile.gif

  6. I think the air unit is good as is. It's decently balanced and fits into the game well except for the interception rules (I explain why in an earlier post in this topic). I just feel like the SAC needs to be improved in the tactical level like the ideas I suggested earlier. Also, if we wanted to be more historically accurate, the SAC should do minimal damage to navy vessels and the air unit (acting as a tactical bomber unit) should do the SAC's level of damage to navy units.

    Also, shouldn't air units be able to transfer locations double their range? :confused:

    If a air unit can fly a five hex mission (10 total hexes travel), shouldn't you be able to transfer bases up to 10. Just a thought. tongue.gif

  7. I think another possibility is to have strategic bombers cause alternate damage instead of just straight strength points.

    A strategic bomber could maybe reduce a unit's supply rating by 3 for the next turn. This could simulate the effects of softening targets when they defend, or slowing them down when they are on offense (taking cover, pinned by carpet bombing). For example, a unit in a city with a supply of 10 that is bombed would have a supply of 7 next turn. If you used three bombers you could reduce them to a 1 supply.

    This could also bring up some interesting strategies like Russia purchasing bombers to slow the German tanks. For example, reducing a fast moving German tank from a 7 to a 4 next turn would chop his APs in half. I think alternate damage would raise some cool strategic and tactical ideas.

    Finally, I don't think any land units should be able to cause any damage to strategic bombers. Only cities should. Land units didn't really carry sufficient AA or the kind to damage strategic bombers.

  8. I agree that bombers are a waste of money unless you raise their tech level. Another consideration is that you need to bomb the same location over and over again. You need at least two bomber squadrons to accomplish this. As the efficiency of your target decreases, the losses toward your bomber squadrons drop. Once you get the target down to 1 or 2, you can pretty much bomb the target without losses. The exception to this is if the enemy has fighters, then you're screwed.

    This raises another point, I think the interception rules need to be tweaked. The rules just don't seem balanced. Here are two situations that I hate.

    1. I have a 11-fighter and 10-army. The AI attacks the army with a 10-fighter. My fighter unit intercepts and I lose 4 and he loses 2. On top of that he does 2 damage to my army and he loses 1. Overall, he has a 7-fighter left and I have a 7-fighter and 8-army. You should always have an advantage when intercepting a tactical bomber mission (all things being equal).

    2. I have a 10-bomber and a 11-fighter. The AI has a 10-fighter. My escorts suffer 3 and he suffers 1. Next my bombers suffer 2 and he suffers 1. Next my bomber suffers 2 and does no strategic damage.

    The problem is that I find myself drawing out the enemy air using the above loop holes instead of just attacking it. I think the following rules need to be implemented.

    1. The interception rules should be like 3R where a sortie is canceled when intercepted by equal or greater numbers. In example 1 above, the AI fighter attack should be repeled since I attacked it with a 11-fighter unit. In example 2 above, the AI interception should be repeled by the escorts.

    2. You should be able to attack with a stack. If I have 3 10-fighters, I should be able to use all three for interception or escort duty on one mission.

    3. You need to be able to select interception or escort units. I hate it when my carrier intercepts instead of my nice 12-fighter unit. It cost a lot more to replace the carrier!


  9. This ties in a little with the Allies DOW. I think the Allies should pay to DOW, example being the Low-Countries. I posted a topic on this.

    I think it is very unrealistic for the Allies to be able to DOW on Norway, Portugal, etc. This is also very helpful for them since it increases their production, gives them the MPP boost when they conquer the location, and gives them avenues to launch an assault.

    I think the Allies should still have the ability to do so since it adds flexibility but should come at cost of MPPs.

  10. I find it a little too easy for the Allies to declare was against minor countries in the game. It's also unrealistic.

    Why have D-Day when you can DOW against Portugal, take them, build up a nice starting point and go through Spain. Also, you acquire large chunks of MPPs when you conquer Portugal and Spain.

    Maybe the Allies should pay 100 MPPs to declare war. At least this still gives them the option and flexibility to do so, and penalizes them a little.

    Thoughts anyone...

  11. Bill's idea is great. The HQ unit in a way already serves as a supply center and thus a beachhead.

    One thing I would like to add that I saw earlier is the ability to build fortifications on any hex and thus increase a units ability to entrench. Some possible rule ideas:

    1. When overrun, they are destroyed.

    2. Each 1 point increase cost 100 MPPs.

    3. It takes an addition turn after the fortification is built to be entrenched. You don't have the ability to build it and expect your unit to be fortified for the opponents turn.

  12. Yohan, I disagree. smile.gif

    The UK player can effectively destroy everything in the Atlantic and then shutdown the North Sea in the first few turns of the game. Once you've done that, you can just destroy subs as the Axis player builds them.

    I'll admit that I haven't played Germany yet so maybe once I'm them I'll figure out a way to make them very effective.

  13. The North Atlantic is a vital area to any WW2 game. I have posted this in other areas but will reiterate that one weakness of SC (still an awesome game) is the North Atlantic.

    Since SC does not cover the entire planet or even war, an invasion of the US is stupid and should not be allowed. Taking a couple of east coast cities should not constitute the capture of the US. If the Axis thought Russia was tough, try taking that same amount of land mass but with a sea to cross.

    I do like some of the convoy ideas above. I like having a unit that represents a convoy and you allocate MPP to it. The unit moves really slow, maybe two hexes. The US can put any value up to 100 MPPs in it. When it reaches a British port, the return is double. Meanwhile, the Axis can attack it. Each strength point lost is 10% of the MPP cargo.

    I also strongly agree with giving the Germans better raider access to the Atlantic. It's so difficult to get any ships out there. The British player can just sit near Norway and nail anything that goes by.

  14. Sometimes I feel like the game is tilted in one direction or another and then an event or battle occurs that sways everything. The feeling goes back and forth throughout the game.

    So far, I haven't seen a distinct advantage on either side. The Axis do pickup a lot of experience early and it makes it very hard to beat them but as the Allies, you need to focus on the most experienced unit. Keep pounding them into the ground. Try to focus on units instead of spreading attacks out. Do realize that when you hurt them, you are in theory lowering their experience because when they reinforce themselves, down goes the experience.

    Research is huge also. As the allies, research a lot with the UK early on. By those research points early because they stay with you forever.

    One area that I do find unbalanced is submarines. Subs have no chance in that game. It's too easy to find and destroy them. The two German subs in the beginning of the game are almost always destroyed on the first or second turn.

  15. I think between HOI and SC the winner is SC. It is a much better game and has a lot of potential for becoming one of the best grand strategy games.

    I love both (real-time) RT and (turn-based) TB but for grand strategy TB is the system to use. I love spending a hour on one turn when things get critical and watching the results unfold the next turn. With RT, things unfold too slow and it's too hard to follow everything. Some people suggest pausing the game or placing the speed at a crawl, but if you do so, aren't you playing the game like a TB game?

    There are things I like about HOI but there are fundamental problems beyond the bugs. Let's pretend all the bugs are gone, the game is still just missing a wargame's feel. Even with grand strategy, there is still a lot of tactical battle planning that can greatly affect a front. Encirclements, defense, etc. SC has the components. HOI is missing them. The provinces don't allow for much maneuverability and I find myself fighting a WWI style war of attrition. There just aren't a lot of tactical options in HOI.

    Hopefully, SC2 can incorporate the entire world and add a little more depth in research and diplomacy. The game is already excellent but that would take it to another level.

  16. I've been playing HOI for about three days and here's my feelings on it...

    I think it's a decent game but there are too many bugs and flaws.

    1. The real-time element is weak and it is nothing more than a turn based game with one-hour turns (you can speed up how fast these turns go by giving you the impression of real-time).

    2. There are way too many bugs and too many gameplay elements that are not discussed in the manual. I just don't have a complete grasp on how production and economics work. I never tell if what seems like it should happen doesn't, is it a bug or I have just misinterpretted the rules.

    3. The convoy system in the game is terrible and unrealistic.

    4. The largest peeve for me is the battle system. There just isn't enough information given back about the status of a battle. You pretty have to wait for a battle to finish and when it does, it says you won or lost. That's it! No losses, morale change or anything.

    Overall, the game has some really interesting features and the detail is great but the 4 areas I mentioned above really take the game away from being a good strategic level game. I hope this helps.

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