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Posts posted by fiaros

  1. I believe that this scenario has brought new aspects already, since it is quite different from many of the scenarios that I have played on CM. And this was one of my initial goals. I don't believe that anyone who creates a scenario must have in mind only to be of the liking to players, but rather trying to form the criteria of them by ascending their preferences. I recognize that there is a common accepted procedure, and I respect this.

    I just tried to make myself a fun scenario for first, which I hope to be accepted by the community. The next scenario I am creating is historical indeed and as close as possible to the real events, although I must admit it will lack of reality at the point that CM AK cannot simulate precise the armor, neither the defensive works of the Greek army at the so called "Ruppel Fortresses", the Metaxas Line, during the operation "Margarita" at the German attack from the north to Greece on April 1941. I intent to create more scenarios on this area.

    At this time, I will follow the right procedure in uploading and publicising the scenario.

  2. I can play CMAK by PBEM. Prefer playing as Axis, capable for 4-5 turns per week.

    We could play a scenario of your selection.

    I am an old player, though I had been away from game for long, I am in good shape.

    Waiting for your reply.


  3. I have being playing CM from times to times for years now but not attached emotional on it.

    However I believe it is not proper/right to criticize others that had, by any way.

    I have experience many things by playing it and it affected me in a wider sence, as everyone(he would be a lier anyone who states the opposite).

    I think the realism of war conditions was a major element of the games' success.

    Game helps you to understand war better than a movie, but in general terms this is something that any of us wouldn't approach sitting here and playing games.

    So anyone has take from the game what he wants and other that he doesn't realize.

    The thing here is another subject. It's about human compassion in a peace period, something that in war could be deadly...

  4. Fiaros, why do you prefer the Confederate Soldiers over the Union (Federal) Soldiers? Just curious.
    As I have read about the battles, I just thought they were more couraged & "stuborn"(even though that's not always a good thing about a soldier), fighting for their own land.

    Can you disagree that it needs more morale to face an enemy that has a continuing flow of new troops and (if I am not wrong) little better equipment, while you have limited troops and resources, in comparison with the industrial North?

    Since the Union soldiers won the war I am sure they had the best political system and some people who they could "see far". It has been told that if the Southerns have won the war, the face of America would be very different, better.

    I am just of the opinion that everything that happens is according to the plan of "Divine Economy" and has the ""agreement"" of God. But that doesn't mean that it is always virtued and noble in the eyes of God. Sophocles "Antigone" says the Law of men is different from the Law of (G)gods and Antigone choose to brake the Human Law represented by Kreon and follow the Law of (G)gods by burying her dead brother. So even if in the ears of today's people it is fair and justice for the poor North to fight and win the noble and wealthy/rich South, who had anachronistic ideas like surpressing the "blacks", from a different "anagnosis" it was the people that don't have, to steal from the people that have, but that's war isn't it?

    In the Christian thought, by gathering wealth you deprive many others from even having the essentials to leave, which is a sin. However killing and stealing to take something that it "supposed to be" yours, is also a sin, something that more and more people seems to forget nowadays.

    If you go with the "Law of God", you will realise that there is a large bulk of sins that people do constantly everyday, which makes gathering wealth a small fault. And the "Law of men" can be changed everytime... Don't forget there were (and are) entire political systems that are funded in ylistic (and atheistic) ideas.

    Forget my passion about the Word of God. I am just a theologist.

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