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Posts posted by Mr.Poisz

  1. How could the two guys in the picture hold 1 of those shells? They weighed over 500 pounds!
    Hehe, those blokes aren't holding it, they're just guiding it, so the cranedriver won't make the shell's detonator hit the side of the Brummbär's armor a bit too rough. :D (But seriously, I really haven't got a clue if that will make the shell explode)
  2. Minimum:

    Windows 98/ME/2000/XP

    DirectX 8.1

    Intel Pentium 1000 MHZ

    128 MB RAM

    1.2 GB Hard Disk Space

    4X CD-ROM

    64 MB Graphic card


    Windows 98/ME/2000/XP

    DirectX 8.1

    Intel Pentuim 2000 MHZ

    >256 MB Ram

    1.4 GB Hard Disk Space

    8X CD-ROM

    64 MB Graphic card

    These are the system specs for that new c&c game. Horror ! And while it's a matter of taste I still think those c&c graphics look crap compared to CMBB's. I really don't understand why lots of people like those flashy-mega-cooldude-overbright-plasmacolorish graphics, I just like the "cartoonish" (in the positive way) CMBB approach more, just a matter of taste.

  3. This mod is absolutely stunning ! Please please please (with sugar on top) tell us you will consider modding the M18 Hellcat for CMBO (yes, I know, this is the CMBB forum, but I still like playing CMBO too) because that one has been overlooked a bit; and you just gave us proof you're capable doing the job. Well, this is just my request, don't take it too seriously, but rather keep on modding smile.gif

  4. Heh ! I was just at the point asking him this question too, as I've been searching the web last few days for this "Gordon-esk" M18.

    Every model I have is modded in this style, and then there is this strange looking photographic modded Hellcat (not it isnt looking any good by itself, just doesnt fit with the others). It would be great to see Gordon making this "missing" one.

    Cheers !

  5. Hofman just doesnt seem to understand that the soviet army wore more than just one standard uniform. And dont talk about American movies because i haven't seen one yet (about the eastern front that is). My Russian grandfather (now living in Holland) fought near Bjelgorod, lost a foot by a mine while on a scouting mission and is still alive so it was just a question I asked him to make me know this. I am sorry but i tend to believe someone who was there at the time more than your friend from the Ukrain. Everybody looking at pictures from the eastern front can see that there is not just one uniform. The uniform mod made by Andrew is showing just one of those correct uniforms. It is impossible to paste them all on one body. As stated before, is it really that hard for you to look at the link posted by Foxbat, showing uniforms worn by the soviets ? They are replica's ! (which means they look like the real thing). Please tell us you understand this. Anyway Hofman, I wish you goodluck and Merry Christmas and a Happy Newyear as I dont feel the need to convince you any further.

  6. Andrew TF did a beautiful job modding the early soviet winter uniforms. I spend a lot of time in the past reading books (and looking pictures) of wwII on the eastern front (especially because my ancestors fought near Bjelgorod on the russian side), and saw it looked right from the first pic posted here. Just look at Foxbat's link posted above about the Soviet Camouflage: picture RST2. Then come here and say again that Andrew's mod is not correct if you dare. HAH !

    The best uniform mods to date are made by Andrew (in my opinion) and i would DIE to see the late winter ones made by him.

    [ December 25, 2002, 04:39 AM: Message edited by: Mr.Poisz ]

  7. The bmp's in this mod cant't be opened by any of my graphics-editing programs and show plain white in-game. But by looking at the preview pic I really like this mod ! Is there anything you can do to make the bmp's work for me ? (it's the first time I encounter this problem).

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