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Posts posted by mkctanker

  1. I bought this game last fall and at that time this forum seemed like such a happy place. For the first time I even considered playing on line! However after Chistmas I got busy with my model building and had not played for sometime. I did check in afew weeks ago and saw a new patch was being tested but I also saw a complete change in the forum. I guess when this ladder thing came into being everbody went nuts! Today when I got to the site it was not pleasant. I will always like wargaming, I use to table top all the time. But I got out of it for this same reason, we spent more time argueing over the rules than enjoying the game. As for historically correct, it will never happen, someone will always find a way to bend the rules or use gliches to their advantage. You all say the AI sucks, well I'll just keep on playing with it, I think I'll have a much better time. I don't mean to offend anyone but compatision can be as destructive as it can be benificial. Just my two-cents worth. Now I have put myself in harms way I'm not even sure I'll ever come back to see the responses.


  2. Many months ago I entered some of my models in the contest for this game. Much later I found out I got some of them in the game but I don't know which ones. I have a photo site on yahoo with some of the pictures, if any of you recognize any of my work could you let me know please. And if possible send me e-mail of what the model looks like in the game. I would buy the game myself but my little computer would never push it. It can just handle Strategic Command.

    The photo website is photos.yahoo.com/mkc462000 and my e-mail is mkc462000.yahoo.com.

    Thank to anyone who can help with a list. smile.gif

  3. I entered their model contest for the Barbarossa game. Then forgot all about it, not till much later did I learn they used some of my pictures. I started looking at the web site and found SC. I'd like to try their other games but I'll need an upgrade first. Does anyone out there have the Barbarossa game, I'd like to know how the game looks? :confused:

  4. I've been playing the game now for afew weeks and can't seem to accumulate much exp. for my troops. after taking heavy replacements they are back to square one. Even when I only replace some of the damage they still don't seem to gain much. What is the secret! Some of you speak of 4 and 5 levels of experience early in the game, is there something I'm doing wrong? :confused:

  5. I must say one more thing about this, those of you who point a finger at those who did such terrible things and seem to be monsters. I'm 48 years old, worked more than afew jobs in my life and if I've seen abuse in power once I've seen it a thousand times. It must be human nature to take advantage of power, every boss I've ever had save one has abused power. The Nazi Germany of the forties is an extreme example, who knows how they would react in the same situation. I wonder about myself in this if I would not become courrpted by it. You may say you would not but how can you?

    No one would know, it would start out small and just grow and grow from there. A student from China asked me if Americans were more interested in money or power. I told him they were head to head on the list. We must be careful not to make the same mistakes others have through history and I think we can.

    So this is what I have learned in the 48 years, don't point fingers or it may come back to bite you on the ass!

  6. Life! Life was cheap then as it has been many many times in history. The Crusades come to mind. Is this an excuse? No! It is just the way mankind can be swayed at a given time. Who's fault? Everyones. But is this the debate?

    I've read that some joined the SS late in the war because they were better supplied better equiped. Could be true, I don't know.

    What I do know is what my Dad told me, he said when they took regular troops prisoner they would sit down and talk about the farming in the area and what the crop may be like when the war was over. As for the SS, he said they ran into some units of Hitlerjungen in Munich. The worst part was their stubborn resistance and the thought of killing 15 and 16 year old boys! My Dad was only 20 years old at the time.

    My Dad didn't hate the Germans, he was 3/4 German himself. My Grandfather fought in WW1 as a medic because he still had relitives in Germany and he of course didn't hate the German's.

    War is full of terrible things that's a given, both sides cannot say they are free of sin. That's why wars have to end.

    My final point is, these men are now in their 70's and 80's and deserve all the respect we can give them no matter what side they were on, soon they will all be gone. It is pointless to condem all for some, God will be the final judge for all.

    Hope this hasn't been too deep but I think everyone has strong oppinions of WW2 and the more I learn about it the more they change.

    This fellow if he is a fake should back off. It was a noble fight and should be honored.

    Please let us get away from this politics of the war and get back to the game.

  7. Your right, I wasn't very clear. What I meant by my example was the more they put into the less I get out of it. The senerio turn is very long, if you miss anything, too bad. To me this is not what I play for, I want to relax not go nuts tring to remember every detail. As for SC it is exactly what I have been waiting for. Maybe not in the same way as others but to play a historically accurate game (to my satisfaction) without the time consuming things that don't interest me. I did not mean to upset anyone just wanted to voice my oppion that didn't seem to be heard.

  8. After watching the forum for the last few weeks I had to say something. Those of you that wish for more detail try talonsoft's operational art of war, a century of warfare. It has 70 senerios about 10 of which are HUGE, I'm currently playing Barbarrosa. It has over 500 german and 900 russian units I think from company to division size. I've played it the last 3 nights and don't know if I will continue. I've played board games table top games pc games all with different degrees of detail and I'm going to stick with simple and fast. As was pointed out to me in the other forum I posted, there will always be bugs and flaws no matter how good the game, it's just the way it is. So call me lazy but I want to play a wargame, not a political game not an economical game, just a wargame and let the computer worry about everything else. :confused:

  9. Thanks for the responses, you have peaked my interest. However not to kick a dead horse, I still would like to know if unrealistic play can be used. A friend of mine would play civilization on line then he told me he quit because it seemed the other players some how were advancing at a much faster rate, far faster than he thought possible. My experience in table top gaming came when my tiger tank was attacked by 20 M8 armored cars. They circled the tiger and though I killed 17 of them he kept making moral rolls till my tiger was dead. Now one of you claims he cannot be defeated, does he know something about the game the rest of us don't? I do not mean to say his skill isn't great, I just don't want the frustration of my former experiences. :confused:

  10. I meant to bring this up in my first topic but thought I'd do it on another. The replies I got on the first were very helpful and thanks(NEW GUY) but most said I should play against humans not the A.I. I have many games, most of the tanlonsoft WWII games and most of the Panzer General series by SSI but never played against a human. Why? I started playing board games and even table top games many years ago, I found that most of the time was spent trying to interpret the rules, arguing over realism and generally haveing a miserable time. When computer games came along I was saved, the computer doesn't argue. Granted the early games had terrible A.I.'s as a general rule but it was better than nothing. The A.I in this game seems to be very smart so my question is what should make me want to play a human, can this game be used in such a way that the old problem of unrealistic play comes back? I mean no insult to anyone by this it's just that since I've never done a game on line it would take a commitment on my part to learn how and I just don't want to be disappointed by the reasons already described. Hope you understand. :confused:

  11. Thanks for all your help, I've gone back in the archives as suggested and found out alot. If I seem reluctant to play against human opponents, I am! I've never done it before though I have alot of games, such as talonsoft games and SSI panzer general games. First of all I have a lame computer as yet and second I am not very good with them myself. Third I spent alot of time afew years ago doing table top wargaming and spent most of the time arguing about rules and how to use them. Playing the A.I. for now just seems to be more appealing. I hope you all understand as this is a great site and everyone seems to get along and wants to help.

  12. I too just have the demo and was wondering how long it takes for game to arrive in the midwest when you pay buy M.O.? And first dumb question, after reading the forum for afew days does anyone play with the historical icons on?

    This is really why the game appeals to me,does the A.I. keep to history? Second dumb question do you old hands play with the A.I. kicked up in + range and how about the human setting for yourself, I can't seem to do much unless I'm set on green. :confused:

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