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Jonny Hun

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Posts posted by Jonny Hun

  1. it would be kinda neat if someone would organise a "clan" for newbies (general exp over game exp) to allow a walk-in to the game.

    im a hideous lurker (on my 3rd nick),and always found the lack of a "welcome inn" type area would be missing.

    i was also thinking that the irc channel(www.combatmission.com:6667) is EXTREMELY underutilised in this area

    penny for your thoughts

    (i`d help with a new (to the game) area if anyone wanted to be boss (kinda like a sous to your head))

  2. someone posted a quote (i paraphrase)

    "i dont know if there were any nazis in that monastery or not, but if there weren`t, those monks were the best damned shots ive ever seen"

    (referring to Monte Cassino)

    i wanted to ask if i could use it as a sig (not quite sure of the etiquette of these things)

    oh, and could you let me have the quote again. your granddad had a way with words.

  3. i posted one about this before, but it is bugging me sooo much . ..

    thanks for all the work on your great mod gunslinger, it looks really cool BUT . .

    i always thought AdolF and JoseF were their names. and it is absolutely bugging the crap out of me every time i see it !

    i know i am an ungrateful whiner, but any chance of a new splash screen just for me, pleeease ?

  4. i watched a show once that said during the battle of stalingrad, tanks were driven out of the factory with only their front armour in place.

    the rationale behind this being that only the factory was behind them, so the only armour needed was on the front portions of the vehicle.

    of course i could just be a victim of SKYTV skollob, but it sounds pretty damn russian to me.

    if anyone can verify/disprove this, i`d be interested to know. i kind of liked this anecdote about the urgency of soviet war manufacturing.

  5. yeah, thanks for all the work in that mod, it looks great, but i do have one question.

    i always thought it was spelt adolF Hitler, but the main screen says adolPH Hitler ?

    i know im a thankless whining git, but typos really bug me, and its driving me nuts everytime i see it, not knowing if its spelt correctly or not.

    guess ive now murrayed myself into typo hell !

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