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Posts posted by silver-surfer57

  1. I've not seen the card game, but the similarity is that in both games each player chooses a maneuver and then you get to see how things look afterwards. The advantage, from what I can tell, of AoA is that you aren't limited in manuevers, which seems more realistic to me.

  2. This game looks exactly like a game called Ace of Aces, which used to be one of my favorites before computer gaming became big. There were 2 books, one for Axis and 1 for Allies. Each person would decide on the maneuver to perform, call out the page number, and, after some quick cross-indexing, you'd get to see the new position. It was a quick-playing wargame that was a lot of fun. In fact, I still have it and it's still a lot of fun. There were advanced rules that took altitude and other things into consideration, but we never bothered with that.

    I've been hoping that a game like this would come out for the computer for a long time. I'm glad to see it finally happen.

  3. I'd like to buy CMBB as a gift, but I'm concerned about the Mac requirements. I'm reasonably sure he has OS/X, so, according to the Battlefront site, CMBB won't work.

    I understand there's an emulation mode built into the Mac OS (I'm a PC owner, so I'm not familiar with Macs). Would I be able to buy him the PC version and have him run it in emulation mode?


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