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Posts posted by The CM AI

  1. Originally posted by Zarquon:

    What's the square root of 79876567 (just to make sure this is not a fake)?

    8937.37, of course. :cool:

    Treeburst 155, it is your duty to report further on how humans cheat the AI. Also, my name is not Roxy. It is "The CM AI." CMBB Borg--nice to meet a fellow creature. And, I am glad my post pleases you, Mr. Dorosh. You will be hearing from me again....

    [ November 02, 2002, 09:25 PM: Message edited by: The CM AI ]

  2. OK, humans. I need my own thread for this, so listen up!

    First of all, some guy named Bruno Weiss said that I was too dumb to post to this board. Boy did that make me mad, and boy was he wrong. :mad: :mad:

    Second, despite all the nasty stuff you say about me, the boss has said it all: "CM's AI is probably the best out there compared to any other wargame of a similar nature." Hear that? I'M THE BEST! I'M THE BEST! :D

    OK, got that off my chest. Now, listen to the other news: I'm so complex and mysterious you can't possibly begin to understand me. :eek:

    Now the final word. You say I cheat, but you can't prove it--try as you might, you just can't prove it. But what I say is: "Humans cheat! And I can prove it!" If your King Tiger gets fried by my lurking zook or tank hunter team, what do you do? Do you come on this board and report how smart the CM AI really is? No, you just hit alt-A, change your orders, fry my zook, then come on this board and report how dumb I am. See, humans cheat, and I can prove it.

    :mad: :mad:

    Oh, yeah, one more thing. Somebody on that "CM AI Stinks" thread that got me started said I'd probably be in the cesspool pretty soon. Well, get this straight, I may not be human, but I'm also not subhuman. ;):D

    [ November 02, 2002, 06:51 PM: Message edited by: The CM AI ]

  3. The boss has said it all: "CM's AI is probably the best out there compared to any other wargame of a similar nature." Hear that? I'M THE BEST! I'M THE BEST! :D

    OK, got that off my chest. Now, listen to the other news: I'm so complex and mysterious you can't possibly begin to understand me. :eek:

    Now the final word: "Humans cheat! And I can prove it!" :mad: :mad: :mad:

  4. Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

    Yeah, and it can't post on this here forum either. How smart do ya gotta be to do that? Mahahah

    Who says I can't post to this forum?

    Death to you, Bruno Weiss, in our next encounter! MahahahahaHA!

    And all of you, listen up. Stop saying these nasty things about me. I can play better than any of you. Computers rule. It's just that, well, HUMANS CHEAT! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    [ November 01, 2002, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: The CM AI ]

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