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    Washington DC
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  1. As usual THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I can't wait for the pack... B&T and BFC make one hell of a team! If you keep makin-em, I'll certainly keep playin-em.
  2. YES! thanks again Gunslinger and Chris M. I have been a fan of GS's mod work since the first CMBO major graphical overhaul mod.
  3. I have yet to test it but In CMBB engineering units now have the area target sub menu command that allows you to attack with satchel charges. I would suspect a charge to make nice work of wire if targeted apropriately. I have read that others have been using them to great effect to bring down buildings and bridges. Has anyone checked this with wire yet? In CMBO your SOL using engineering units for the same task I am afraid.
  4. Yea, I could see that. I guess it would be hard to statisticaly create all those giant imvading space insects and lizards that the japs had to fight off on occation.
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