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Posts posted by cyclem

  1. JayJay_H,

    No offense but I have to agree with hans_micael.

    How can you build such an army that would cost 6000+ MPP?

    I'm my games, I don't lose any units prior to the conflict with Russia and I don't even come close to a 1/3 of your units. And I only spend 5 points (1250 MPP) on research. I do have 5 airfleet on the Eastern front, and spend MPP regularly to reinforce them, but nothing in the MPP level you have.

    Why don't you post a save game? That would clarify the situation.

    Something tells me you play at normal difficulty level.

  2. I read a lot of the strategy articles in this forum, and many have been very usefull. For both sides.

    I can win with both sides at "normal", but when I give the AI +50% bonus and +1 experience, I always get defeated on the Russian front?

    I control Spain, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Vichy French. When I start the war against Russia, I usually have 3 HQ, 10 armies, 2-3 tanks, 3 air fleets. Most of them have decent experience. My problem is that all Russian reinforcement start with 1 experience. Every unit that I lose will start with 0 experience. Russia generally builds 4 corps, and I usually destroy 2-3 units per turn. So at some point, attribution really kills me. Over time, the overall experience of my troops goes down, and the Russian one goes up. How do you deal with this ?

    I also find that keeping the pressure against England with air fleets is really expensive. In my latest game, I had 5 air fleets attacking England regularly, versus air fleet or strat bomber. Reinforcing those 5 air fleets every 2 turn is really expensive (around 400+ MPP). Is it worth the expense? Cost wise, I destroy a 400 MPP unit (air fleet) and it costs me the same amount. One would argue that it is worth it, my air fleet do gain some experience with time, but all MPP used on the Eastern front are very much needed on the Russian front.

    What do you do against AI with +1 experience?

  3. Can I ask this :

    How do you make the "germans-pay-for-every-step" in the beginning of the game ?

    The allies are :

    1) outnumbered

    2) on the defensive

    This implies that the german choose what they attack with their units. They do the typical airstrike before and then attack with their strongest tank/armies.

    The allies can only slow down the german, but they sure can't hurt them.

    Also, how effective is it to try to slow the german? They generate more MPP than France/Britain in the beginning. If Britain supports France with air cover, they use all their MPP to reinforce their air units. How effective is that? Britain can't buy any new units, and can't invest anything in research if they commit their air units. Also, buying more time does not accelerate the participation of US and Russia in the war. So what good does it do?

    Same thing with France, even if you sacrifice all the naval fleet, you can add a few corps, maybe an army, maybe a HQ. How much does this really help? You're still playing a defensive role, and maybe buy yourself 1,2 or maybe 3 turns. Wow...What difference does it make? None.

    So far, It doesn't do any good against a human german player. You still get walked over by the german on the western front.

    As numerous other players said, the war is won/lost on the Eastern front, versus Russia.

    On the Western front, Britain and France are useless prior to participation of US.

    The only thing Britain has to do, is hold on tight until the US comes to help.

    My 2 cents

  4. Quite curious about this one,

    I haven't played EU or EU2, and it seems be HOI will be heavily based on them.

    I do know that EU/EU2 won the praise of all the reviewers and gamers. I was too busy playing RTCW and Civ3 so I didn't pick it up.

    Any good web site on EU/EU2? Maybe this will help me better understand the potential of HOI

  5. Great post guys, here my 2 cents:

    17) Transports: Currently, your transports cannot move if you want to unload them. This means that you move them to the area if you want unload and wait for your next turn. This leaves them vulnerable to air units attacks, naval attacks and most importantly, the defending player can move his units around to reinforce the area. This doesn't leave any room for surprise landing operations.

    My proposal: Remove the moving restriction on transport the turn they unload. The units still can't load/unload in the same turn, except when moving from port to port. This would make D-day operation possible for the Allies, since the german player couldn't adjust his defense prior to the landing, he won't know where it is going to be.

    One turn: you load units into transports, place a defensive screen of naval units around them along with a defensive screen of air units on the shore.

    Next turn: move the naval units and do shore bombing, move the air units and do tactical bombing then move the transports and unload on the beach.

    You just recreated D-Day!!!

    18) Add paratrooper corps. The ability to air-drop corps units behind enemy line would be awesome. The unit cannot move prior to loading into air transport, and cannot move after air-drop but can attack. The unit should have similar stats to corps units, but a little more expensive, and loading into air transports would cost MPP. The strike range would be half the range of strategic bomber, adjusted by your tech level.

    Comments on previous suggestions :

    1) More room in Africa. Couldn't agree more

    2) Enhance gameplay for subs. Ability for hidden movement if they don't attack would radically affect the usefullness of subs.

  6. He guys, thanks for the great posts,

    this is definitively good reading material,

    I am still new to SC, but not new to wargamming.

    I've been playing this kind of game for years.

    Why don't you try this: PBEM of Norse vs Lou.

    Let's see who's strategy will actually work.

    Everybody can flame mail and argue, talk is cheap. Make a game, and write weekly status on the progress of the game. We'll then see what strategy work and how it can then be adapted for other games down the road.

    What do you think ?

  7. Just got the game last weekend and I have a couple of questions:

    1) How does river affect combat? The docs are not very clear on this. In many instances, my ground units had no effect on the defender when attacking across river.

    2) How can naval units cross into the Black sea near Sevastopol? Do you have to control Istanbul?

    3) How can naval units cross from the Mediterranean sea to the Atlantic? Do you have to control Gibraltar?

    4) How can we attack Tangier? Which country owns it?

    5) How does supply really work? Obviously, HQ provide most of it, but how much do starting city, port, occupied city provide support? And how does the range calculation work?

    Thanks for your help on a great game,


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