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Posts posted by NiG

  1. Incredulous = Expressions of disbelief - what's wrong with that?

    What kind of idiot are you? You don't understand English and are basically telling me my opinion doesn't count!?

    Okay if that's the case then what's the point of this discussion. I'm a customer and so is everyone else here, our opinions count and we are entitled to them.

    You also suggest no-one cares what I think! We'll I sincerely hope you're wrong on that one as most of the guys posted above are my opponents around the globe - I really hope they'd be as dissapointed if they lost me as an opponent as I would if I lost them. :mad:

    [ August 31, 2005, 01:26 AM: Message edited by: NiG ]

  2. Wow... long time since I've been here :eek:

    ...but this topic has brought me back. I find it incredulous that the designers are optioning to drop PBEM. Every single game I've played in the last two years has been PBEM and I would not have been able to play any of them if the feature didn't exist.

    I can see that if CMx2 doesn't have this feature then it will be pointless buying it.

    After playing an 'live' opponent the AI games are just plain boring as the AI is too predictable and I simply don't have time to TCP/IP with my opponents in the States (5-8 hours behind) or 'Down under' (8-11 hours ahead) as I'm in the UK.

    In a nutshell CMx2 without PBEM = forget it, you're wasting your time.

    I prefer to have no pre-built scenarios, no solo game feature and no TCP/IP than lose PBEM- it's the most important bit :(

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