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Posts posted by Pingu

  1. Must admit the typo's were a bit hard on the ear at times. But would not complain because the book was not the usual re-hash that Sybex makes which is to reprint the manual with a few walkthroughs.

    The book in fact steered clear of the manual and contained lots of info I had not put together (In the short time I have had the game)

    So am nonplussed at the level of support. It is unheard of in this industry.

    Again. Thanx for the respect you hold your gamers in.

  2. Jesus. You guys are so unhip it's a wonder your bums don't fall off.

    The ability for the AI to play on any RANDOM map and have it surprise you every now and then is a brilliant achievement and this alone makes me doff my cap to the programmer.

    Adding scripts would be banging the drum of defeat. Red alert was all scripted. How many played the same mission over and over again.

    Yet in cmbb i have played Hill 312 a variety of times (especially when the patch came out to test the differences).

    But then again if they brought out the perfect game, where would we all go to complain. The forums would be empty.

    You can't please everyone. But BFC have done a fine job in trying.

  3. There seems to be an awful lot of misdirection going around this forum. Me, couldn't care less. You see I happen to be enjoying THE most tactical war game ever played. Sure it's not perfect but lets not get carried away, who could go back to playing c&c, close combat etc. Quiet in the audience. No, of course not. No other game comes close to providing the tactical nuances that this game throws at you.

    I could cite myriad examples of how my infantry didn't respond to certain commands, but my favourite is the "A Warm place to sleep" scenario that I loaded up with the the 1.01 patched game. Managed to get a few squads in a Heavy Building plus an Anti-Rifle squad, the building came under heavy fire from Panzers, my men soon wanted out, sneak commands appeared from all the squads in the building.

    Stay and defend that building mr, I ordered. Two or more turns in a row this happened, had to halt the sneak and give hide orders. Did this amend my stance to 'if you get a few idiosynchronies then the game is bugged', nearly but then ............................

    The whole building collapsed and crushed the squads within, a few unfortunates survived. All along they had been telling me, let me out, let me out, I dont wanna burn. But did I listen. Well I do now.

    And a thankyou to BF for not only providing this game but being patient and responsive in all of your posts. cheers!!!!!!!!

  4. Originally posted by AnonymousOxide:

    Okay Pingu, time for you to post the C%C forum link now! Why do you toy with us this way?

    Sorry guys but only just got my hands on this AWESOME game. Totally missed the original. Been waiting for a game like this seen playing Squad Leader.

    Finally decided to post my intro and have had the usual weekend where game playing not included.

    Sunday night and just logged on!!

    The truth is, made it up! It was just one of those nice little scenarios that we all partake of!

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