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Posts posted by SixthArmy

  1. The game is quite good but its not polished. I hope it will be.


    'snap to' hull down so I don't have to sit there all day long ****in w/ the controls

    Core group which travels from battle to battle in the campaign, repaired and upgraded as needed. This is fun and interesting.

    Battlemaker campaign. Did anyone ever like scripted missions? Who? I suspect nobody likes the ****in things.

  2. I didn't mean nazi biased towards the design, I mean nazi like the Soup Nazi. The Scenario Nazi. NO HEAVY TANKS FOR YOU!

    Having problems w/ that hoard of T-34? No problem, here's a 20L55, take those badboys out!

  3. I get 4 pieces of crap light tanks, an I got to go up against a company of stuG ivs and mark ivh. Gee, I wonder why they keep simply driving right over my head no matter what I do.

    Some of these missions are ridiculous. Some I beat by massing force and thats ok. Others I have to go to the editor and get at least just a little bit of firepower. What nazi designed these things. Gesh.

  4. Ya its stock scenario D-Day that came w/ the full version.

    Here's a screen of England's impregnible defenses:


    What I did different w/ the games (besides watching the AI to see what it would do) was once I figured the full version AI would attack me I turned off FOW, restarted the scenario and then repositioned the germans to aggresively attack the allies once they did land. When I do that they tuck tail and run. I have the PO intimidated.

  5. I was wrong.

    If I load the scenario and watch the PO w/o FOW, it invades. Good. I can see the allied tanks rolling ashore, troops storming t beaches and so on.

    When I restart the scenario rubbing my hands together waiting for the AI to land - it doesn't. Its the same thing I did w/ the demo. The PO lands the paratroopers, I kill them, and then t only activity is allies bombing my brave troops.

    I turned FOW off to see wtf the allied PO was doing and they are busy invading England. what gives?

  6. Neither solution works. ok.

    ON scale I think the newer game works better tho. Some landings did end up being quite a nasty surprise at operation level so a strategic " WHAT !?! THEY LANDED WHERE !? " I think is ok sometimes. Much better than opping a bunch of corps in to block the beach. "Awe geez everyone's at the beach today its too crowded to invade" That got silly.

    btw - I have no solution :rolleyes: Somebody really smart will have to think something up.

  7. I ordered sunday evening and received my email to download the next afternoon. The game downloaded in about 10 mins and I played last ngiht.

    I waited a long time for this. Got a six pack on t way home, set the AI for easy, then beat the crap out of the allies.

    The graphics aren't as clean as I'd like them I'll prlly get used to it tho. I still don't like how long it takes for the AI to play its turn. For example the messages 'so and so was hit by partisans' is just agonizing waiting for the pop up to finish its speal so the game can continue. Overall tho its pretty swell. I like the build q and so on. Tonight I'll try a harder level w/o the alcohol.

  8. I noted that I have a lot of experience w/ the game. I've lost from both sides and won from both sides many times. I was hoping someone could post a radical new strategy I have not yet tried.

    Poland will fall in 2 turns. Denmark and norway very quicky so long as I make his fleet chase my atlantic subs long enough. After that it gives the Germans approx 180 beans per turn to reinforce 6 airfleets and that's not enough to do the job. Dad always does the gambit and will have his french af backed by hq. malta af is moved to france, added to 2 carriers gives Dad air superiority. Bottom line - he always has as many airfleets as I do, if not, I will have only ONE more than him. Attacking cross river there is no way to break through.

    I'll play someone of very high experience and I'd like to see them break through my French defense. I honestly don't think it can be done, but I'd like to see it so me and Dad can break the constant trench warfare we now encounter.

    Next I will try to gain a tech advantage over Dad, but of course that's not very likely to happen in the early game.

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